
Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Obama And His Islam-Promoting Cousin Raila Odinga

Thanks to Michael for sending this along.

Obama's Cousin Odinga of Kenya - It IS about Character!

Can it be repeated enough? I say no! One must judge the CHARACTER of a candidate based upon several aspects, not the least of which are his/her words, actions, family ties and associations.

Barak Hussein Obama is now the "Messiah" of the left and it bodes ill for America when one examines these character issues.

Obama's actions speak loudly. At the time, little gravity was given to the missing lapel flag pin, or the disrespect for the "Pledge of Allegiance," but when combined with his associations, family ties and their actions, and his statements, one cannot simply brush it off. It is the whole that we are judging, yes judging, when we decide who should be the next leader of the free world!

The Rev. Wright controversy has been well reported and has reflected badly on the candidate to the point that each threw the other under the bus repeatedly. Why did it take twenty years for BHO to jettison Rev. Wright? Character?

Obama's associations are just the tip of the iceberg. With all the questions about his true religious alignment one needs only to look at his cousin.

It has been widely reported for months that Barak Hussein Obama is a cousin of the accused butcher of Kenya who betrayed his own roots and not only sided with Muslims to capture the Presidency of Kenya he vowed to turn the nation into an Islamic state. Below is the Memorandum of Understanding he signed, openly courting the Muslim minority to support him.

In Kenya, only 10% of the population is Muslim, yet international pressure has mandated that he be in the power sharing of the government.

In no way do I condone the other side's words and actions, or that the election was rigged, but merely that his familial association with BHO is disturbing to say the least. It is also widely reported that Obama supports his cousin as the Horn of Africa falls into the abyss of Islamofascism.

There is much, much, the link below!


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