
Thursday, May 22, 2008

Question For Urban Outfitters - If You Keep Apologizing For The Same Thing, Are You Really Sorry?

Fuck you, Urban Outfitters:

Popular U.S. clothing store Urban Outfitters has halted sales of a T-shirt apparently supporting Palestinian violence that has sparked outrage in the American Jewish community.

The T-shirt, created by Los Angeles-based designer "Fashion Jive," depicts a young Palestinian boy carrying an M-16 rifle, over the word "Victimized." The T-shirt also shows the Palestinian flag, a map of the Palestinian territories and a small white dove. The item sold online for $25.

"If Urban Outfitters is good at something, it is getting publicity," remarked Ami Cohen, works for American Apparel in Tel Aviv. "This company has a history of coming into conflict with Jews."

Several years ago, the company played on the "Jewish American Princess" stereotype by selling T-shirts with the slogan "Everybody Loves a Jewish Girl," surrounded by dollar signs and shopping bags.

In 2007, it again came into conflict with Jewish and pro-Israel consumers for selling versions of a traditional Arab headdress, the kaffiyeh, as an "anti-war scarf." Although the firm's CEO, Dick Heyne, argued that the company had not intended "to imply any sympathy for or support of terrorists or terrorism" by selling the kaffiyeh, some argue that selling of the "Victimized" T-shirt does just that.

"Of course this T-shirt is supporting terrorism," said Leah Weiss, a fashion designer who recently immigrated to Israel.

"I've joined a Facebook group to boycott Urban Outfitters and get rid of their clothes. I will never shop there again."

I'm part of that boycott. Urban Outfitters has always been one of my favorite clothing stores. I have a brown leather jacket I bought at their Phoenix store, about eight years back, that I still wear all the time.

But, they will not be seeing anymore of my money. I've absolutely had it with them.

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