
Friday, May 30, 2008

Storm Track Appeasement: Dhimmi Mayor Learns Her Lesson

This woman should be thankful that the Islamists are not in power yet in Britain. If so, she would have gotten more than a snub.

The Departing Mayor of Kirklees launched a blistering attack on a group of orthodox Muslims for refusing to pose with her in photographs. Her comments came in her departing speech as she handed over mayoral duties to Coun Karam Hussain (Lib Dem, Dewsbury West).

In her tearful speech to the full council and members of the public at Huddersfield Town Hall on Wednesday, Coun Calvert said she had checked whether the invitation was really for her rather than deputy mayor Coun Karam Hussain, but organisers insisted she was welcome.

She said: "I attended this event and was horrified to be left on my own in a room full of people that I didn't know. The press wanted to take photographs of the group with the mayor.

"The photographer was told in no uncertain terms that 'we don't have photographs taken with women.'

"That was bad enough but then to stand on my own for a further 15 minutes while photographs were being taken of all the other guests in the room was very upsetting."

That’s the reward of dhimmitude, Mayor of Kirklees.

Read the rest at The Gathering Storm.

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps this lesson was worthwhile after all?
