
Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Storm Track … Insensitivity or Stupidity?

Is this some kind of sick joke? Or can the Left not get enough of portraying Muslims as misunderstood peaceful people only trying to get by.

This month, PBS has started airing "On a Wing and a Prayer: An American Muslim Learns to Fly".

Read the rest at The Gathering Storm.


  1. Insert parental advisory (animated gif) posted below in right hand column here.

    I haven't a diplomatic cell in my being ready to respond to enemy propaganda paid for with my tax dollar.


    "British 9/11 fears over private planes, Government terror adviser warns

    Private jets and light aircraft could be used by terrorists to launch attacks on crowds and buildings in Britain, the Government's anti-terror expert has warned.

    There are an estimated 8,500 private aircraft and up to 500 "landing sites" in Britain, ranging from farmers' fields to regional airports
    Senior police officers have "real anxiety" about the possibility of terror missions being launched from small airports amid fears over lax security.

    Jets could be hijacked and used as "vehicle bombs" to target the public.

    Such attacks would be "relatively simple" to orchestrate, according to Lord Carlile of Berriew in a report on how the UK is dealing with the terror threat.,-Government-terror-adviser-warns.html

  3. Anonymous,

    Yes they would be, since there'd be no passengers to fight back.
