
Sunday, July 27, 2008

Celebrating 500 Years Of The Female Form In Western Art

Music: Bach's Sarabande from Suite for Solo Cello No. 1 in G Major, BWV 1007 performed by Yo-Yo Ma

Every bit of this would be hated by the Islamofascist nutbags. There is nothing to compare in their civilization.


  1. Pastorius,

    Your right, you could never find images like those in Saudi Arabia or Afghanistan under the Taliban.

  2. Yes, and if I am not mistaken, I don't think you could find much in the way of realistic representative images of the female form in any art emanating from any country where Islam has dominated in the past 1000 years.

    Maybe, the area of Lebanon, Persia, or Turkey. Maybe.

    Maybe some of the African countries.

    But, google it,

    Islamic art:

  3. Now Now boys,

    they have their 'art',

    its those public floggings and those

    rape scenes in those prisons over there,

    and of course, those veiled women humping and grinding in front of men,

    [see you tube video on the Petticoat Junction post below] that I posted,

    why they love the female form,

    fully cloaked in black or naked and bloody.

    OOOOh, I'm just, so excited, I mean, its just So empowering ya know, for feminists, no wonder they prop this medieval misogyny up,

    why its just so BSDM AND KINKY,

    LOL. [sarcasm]

    And of course, ya know every single Mosque they build has these like gigantic tits in the air,

    what more can you expect,

    from the RAPIST SEX CULT CLUB!!!

    Why we western civilizationers are Puritan in comparison yet,

    remember, they 'protect' the Virtue of women,



  4. Pastorius,

    Well I found these, but I don't know what country their from, and I don't know if they done by a Muslim, but they are interesting and relate to Islam.


  5. Well, here's another more promising one, but I don't know what country it came from.


  6. Well put, Natasha. I just saw the new Batman movie this week. The Joker, who called himself "an agent of Chaos" also thought of himself as an improvisational artist of violence and mayhem.

    Kind of like a Islamo-nazi terrorist, huh?

  7. Damien,
    Those pics are very funny. Thanks.

  8. Hi Damien,
    That second piece of art looks more like Hindu work, so I'm guessing it comes from the area of the country India, which of course was divided up and renamed Pakistan to accomodate Muslims.

  9. Pastorius,

    That second piece of art work could be, I don't know.

  10. It was a joy to watch the 500 years of women in Western art--and the accompanied by Bach made it extra special-- Thank You...


  11. Wow, I'm glad everyone enjoyed this as much as I did.

    Maybe we ought to add more art to our site.

  12. Pastorius,

    If you want, or you could just have a link to a website devoted to the great art of western culture.

  13. Damien,
    I actually had one up for awhile, but they never changed their stuff, so I got bored looking at the same thing all the time.

  14. Know its controversial but you should add Frida Kahlo's art,

    now, LOL, I wonder what SHE'd think of the whole Islamism?

    She was quite the rebel in her day, and you know she is quite the Icon in Latina culture,

    I'm not so sure they'd take too kindly to Kahlo's works possibly being destroyed or hated because its 'infidel' or, especially since Kahlo was the symbolism of Latina female power against machismo...

    also, have you seen the artwork on "All Things Beautiful"?

    Brilliant work, genius in fact,

    that site btw, in case you aren't aware of it,

    there are many more, plus there are some great poetry sites too, resistance poetry, literature,

    but its interesting to see the similarities in the artworks prior to totalitarian societies and that in the resistance world today,

    and yes, art is a powerful medium. Beautiful video btw,

    not only did I bookmark it I'm browsing through the other art videos,

    thanks for posting it.


  15. Great.

    But herein lies a powerful weapon against the radical, sexist, homophobic Jihadis that most miss-- these images are the key!

    We must start fighting using our own art work (culture) as well.

    What happened to our own "ministries of propaganda"? Where are the images? The films? The Music?

    I know leftists have a dictatorship over the arts, but there are some artists (such as myself or the pigman) who are rebels and would gladly offer our services to a Fed Propaganda group.

    Unfortunately, right now all we can do is independent, underground, and unheard, huh?

  16. sir_publius_platypus,

    A large part of the problem is that Hollywood is controlled by unpatriotic, anti-American, politically correct socialists, who blame all the evil in the world on America, the west and free market capitalism. Another part of the problem is simply cowardice, even often politically incorrect Comedy Central refused to show images of Mohammad on South Park, during the height of the Cartoon Riots, in part out of fear of what Muslim fanatics would do to them. Many of our comedians won't make fun of Islam, not just out of fear of being labeled an Islamophobe, but also out of fear for their lives.

  17. Natasha,
    I like Frieda Kahlo's artwork. I don't know why it would be controversial to add her work.

    Maybe you know something I do not know.

    Frieda and her husband Diego were Communists. If they lived today, they may well be the typical anti-Western Communists who would feel more in league with Islam as a perceived third-world uprising against the Patriarchal Corporatist Globalist West.

    That may be true, or not. We could have no idea.

    But really, that has nothing to do with whether their art was good or not, and they were both great artists.

    And, whether any leftist wants to accept the fact or not, if they live in the West, and they produce art, then their artwork is Western, whether they like it or not.

    They live in the Freedom of the West, and that gives them the ability to choose their subject matter and be who they want to be.

    A lot of modern Western artists believe they are oppressed by the marketplace. That is absolute god damned bullshit. You can't be oppressed by the marketplace. If your work doesn't sell, welcome to the world of art. Most artists have had to suffer for their art. That's just the fact. If you are good, you are often "ahead of your time." That's the way it is.

    And, if you they like the reality of "capitalism", why don't they go out and find a "Patron." You know, some old guy who wants to buttfuck them in return for his money.

    Life is hard, and that's a fact, and people want to blame it on "capitalism." What a bunch of fucking babies.

  18. Sir Publius Platypus,
    I checked out your website. I love your idea of representing Gen Y (raised on Saved by the Bell). That's a perspective that is needed.

    I'd love to see your artwork.

    As you know, Bosch contributes here. We'd love to have more different types of contributors. Let me know about your artwork and of your thoughts on what you'd like to accomplish.

  19. Watch this - it applies

    it is one of my all time favorite clips on youtube

  20. BTW


    23. Control art critics and directors of art museums. "Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art."

    VIVA La Radical Beautiful Against The NOTHING

  21. Damien:

    A large part of the problem is that Hollywood is controlled by unpatriotic, anti-American, politically correct socialists, who blame all the evil in the world on America, the west and free market capitalism.

    21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.

    22. Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to "eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms."

    23. Control art critics and directors of art museums. "Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art."

    24. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them "censorship" and a violation of free speech and free press.

    25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.

  22. Babba,
    You and I were talking, the other day, about our respective ages.

    You are not going to believe this, but I remember seeing that Smothers Brothers clip WHEN IT WAS FIRST FUCKING ON TV.

    Can you believe that?

  23. yes I do belive it
    I remember lots of things too rom then

  24. Damien,

    you're right, even i am guilty of some of this cowardice in my own studio practice... i feel i am playing it quiet as an art grad student... because the art world is NOT diverse, ironically enough... it's a circle jerk, really... incestuous...

    but you know artists with a conservative, libertarian or right lean or whatever you want to call it tend to say things in a less blatant way.. more poetic, more philosophical, more self critical, creatively and interesting... as opposed to the more in your face naive punk rock style art of the left... so there is this difference too in styles/ delivery


    Thanks! I just started that blog anonymously for the reasons above.. posting such political things on my art blog isn't the best of ideas i realized... so i needed another place to safely vent.. i'm looking forward to finding a few more contributors of gen y to help out.. we'll see if it amounts to anything..

    this IBLOGA is a haven for me.. i'm glad for it... especially posts such as the one of iranian female artist Sooreh Hera are VERY important ... i can tell you more via e-mail if possible about art ideas or support in any other way

  25. Sir Platypus,
    My email address is
