
Monday, July 21, 2008

The Religion of Pieces


Text of commentary by Mehdi Mohammadi under the headline:

"In preparation for justification"

published by Iranian newspaper Keyhan website on 17 July

"Making efforts to make up for a political debacle through the vehicle of media noise and hype" is the best description that one can give to the behaviour of the Americans vis--vis the Iranian nuclear programmes in the last two weeks or so. In the eyes of the Iranians, America has always been a country without any credibility and reputation. However, right now, it can be said that America is facing a crisis of unprecedented and constantly worsening lack of credibility in the eyes of the other countries too, especially those which once upon a time used to view it as a model and blueprint.

The letter that Javier Solana unofficially brought to Iran recently contained a blatant retreat from the official and declared stance of the Western world, including of course America, about the necessity for Iran agreeing to suspend its uranium enrichment as a precondition for the start of any kind of negotiations. In their letter, the Western sides had written that in order to enter into the preliminary stages of negotiations, they would be seeking nothing more than a degree of flexibility from Iran in relation to the installation of its centrifuge machinery. Of course, shortly afterwards, in his verbal exchanges with the Iranian officials, Solana went even further than the content of the said letter, and officially declared to the Iranian authorities that the West would not be demanding any kind of suspension [in the Iranian nuclear programmes] as a precondition for progress in the talks.

Right now, and at a time when the Iranian delegation is travelling to Geneva to start comprehensive and multi-faceted talks without there being any formula about the suspension of the uranium enrichment process, the Americans are clearly looking for a diversionary path in order to cover up, at least partly, their loss of face as a result of having to agree to the removal of any precondition for start of the talks. In particular, they are trying very hard to prevent the line of analysis that the reason for the West's retreat from its insistence on the precondition of suspension [of uranium enrichment] was to do with the unique and unparalleled resistance and steadfastness of the Iranians, and the Western world's inability to undermine and weaken that steel resolve.


The Religion of Pieces

western mentality!!
awake from your bed
arise from your slumber
they want you all dead

western compassion
realize your demise
they'll carve out your eyeballs
they'll swarm you like flies

tolerant westerner
liberal mind

look under the mosques
and see what you find

moderate muslims

possessed of fair mind
what's suddenly struck you
so deaf dumb and blind?

the religion of peace?
oxymoron defined.

the religion of pieces,
the mullahs opine.

America! Australia! European and Jew!
you must do unto others
as they do to you.

hold on to your hats
prepare for the worst

for "If one comes to slay you, you must slay him first." (Brachot, 58 )

~BZ 2001




  1. BabbaZee,

    I wonder how long before CAIR notices that old "Ali Baba Bunny" cartoon?

    By the way, speaking of humor, did you see any of these videos? I first saw these on Mosque Watch, but the videos don't always work on that website.





    Finally I don't know where I first saw this last one. But it is very funny, and I would be surprised if CAIR didn't have a hissy fit after watching it.


  2. Damien LOL

    yes I have seen ALL of those!

    I am sure I am on some CAIR list somewhere!

  3. BabbaZee,

    Ya you probably are on CAIR's black list somewhere. I'm glad you liked the videos.

  4. I love those

    Ever see this one?

  5. BabbaZee,

    No I did not see that before. It was okay.

  6. I should ne ashamed of MYSELF?

    Here's a hearty fuck you to that:

    Get back to me on that shame thing after you hear about how I beheaded a few infidels, ripped off some clits, chopped off a few hands, stoned some adulters, rioted burned and pillaged because of a fucking cartoon, raped a minor, blew up a few office buildings and embassies, and sent my kid strapped with nail bombs to blow up your uncle.

    Anonymous huh?


    YOU should be ashamed

    I could give a rats ass whether you are Muslim or Mormon

    what you are


  7. Bad name?...anonymous.

    Let's see. properly identifying that there is an evil and why? Yes given the UN and it's totally amoral anti semitism I can see how you are right.

    The thing is, ANONYMUSSY,


    Have a nice time in your world of moral grayness


    I hereby confiscate ANONYMUSSY'S bong in the name of the Ganjahadeen!

    All your bong are belong to us.

  9. Anonymous likes people who kill gays, adulterers, and apostates. He likes people who enshroud their women in burqas and make them legally half a human. He likes people who do not believe in Freedom of Conscience nor freedom of the press.

    That's all ok with Anonymous.

    I would so dearly love to kill you when the war comes around, anonymous. You fucking pussy.

  10. Anonymous,

    Could you please tell us, how people like me and Babbazee give America a bad name?
