
Thursday, July 31, 2008

Winds of War: Thinking About the Unthinkable– Part 3: War in America

In Part 2 of this series, we discussed how a militaristic ‘battle front’ might develop in World War III and how a civil war blow over from Europe or a nuke exchange in the mid-east hampering or halting the oil flow would precipitate a world war.

But what would be the effect on the USA? Outside of a ballistic missile exchange between the Islamic Republics - though possible I see as unlikely due to the instant atomizing of their nation by the US - the Islamists would use terror as a tactic to inflict so much damage to our economic and social infrastructure that we would have to sue for peace and bow to Islamic demands - the imposition of Sharia law and submission to a global Caliphate.

That, of course, we will not do. We would respond brutally to those who we suspect of either being or supporting the terrorists in our midst and in the process bring on a Constitutional crisis in this country. Let’s first look at the economic effects of terrorism as it’s now being used in Israel - the objective of bringing a country to its financial knees.

Read the rest at The Gathering Storm.

1 comment:

  1. Dhimmi Christians (church leaders ..appeasement) are the problem...
