
Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Bullshit of The Bushitler Myth, Or, In Other Words, What The Hell Is Going On At The Democratic Convention?

ABC Reporter Arrested in Denver Taking Pictures of Senators, Big Donors
Asa Eslocker Was Investigating the Role of Lobbyists and Top Donors at the Convention

I don't remember this kind of thing happening to anyone covering the Republican Convention. How did this Denver Police Seargent get it in his mind that this arrest was legal, or for that matter, Constitutional? How did this Denver Police Seargent get it into his mind that he could get away with this kind of behavior?

Hmm? Care to guess, moonbats?

From ABC News:

DENVER--Police in Denver arrested an ABC News producer today as he and a camera crew were attempting to take pictures on a public sidewalk of Democratic Senators and VIP donors leaving a private meeting at the Brown Palace Hotel.

Police on the scene refused to tell ABC lawyers the charges against the producer, Asa Eslocker, who works with the ABC News investigative unit.

A cigar-smoking Denver police sergeant, accompanied by a team of five other officers, first put his hands on Eslocker's neck, then twisted the producers arm behind him to put on handcuffs.

A police official later told lawyers for ABC News that Eslocker is being charged with trespass, interference, and failure to follow a lawful order. He also said the arrest followed a signed complaint from the Brown Palace Hotel.

Hint to the moonbats: The Denver Police Seargent was "ONLY FOLLOWING ORDERS".

He ought to be real proud of himself.

And, here's a topic for the Denver Police Seargent to look up, if any of his friends happen to email this post to him (which I would suggest):

Nuremberg Trials.

Only following orders? Hey, Police Seargent, tell the Democrats, "No. I will not act against my Constitutional Authority."


  1. Can't resist . . .Is this a case of liberal propaganda's -

    Chickens coming home to roost?

  2. Yes, the chickens are coming home to roost.

    As for us, we've been Hoodwinked. Bamboozled!

  3. The DNC has been planning this display of arrogance and defiance of the US Constitution for months now.

    (Need more? Listen to Peter Boyles on KHOW AM Denver---5AM CET)

    The Constitutional Republic, as we knew it....disappeared years ago.

    Welcome to New Draconia!

  4. Wisdom is the fear of the Lord.

    Our rights are given to us by God.

    The Lord giveth and the cigar-chomping Searent taketh away,

    Therefore, the cigar-chomping Seargent is not wise, but a fool.

    And, the man who gave the order to the cigar-chomping Seagent is a downright fascist.

    Something about this smells, and I'd say it's initials are B.O.

    No violations of our Constitutional rights. The press has the right to stand on the sidewalk and film politicians who are involved in the central events of our time.

    Especially ABC News, being that their audience is so big.

    I wouldn't make such a big deal of it if the police brushed me back and told me to keep moving. I only have about 2500 readers a day.

    But, ABC has the responsibiity (though they abuse it) to give the news to millions.

    Cigar-chomping Seargent made sure to put an end to that.

    As Orwell said, "If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever."

    I have to remember, he was, apparently, "only following orders."

  5. They'll claim "National Security", and all bets, along with your "G_d given Rights"...are out the window.

    "Rights endowed by the creator" cannot be found in the Ko-ran....learn to be good subjects...or useful objects, keep your head down, and you'll survive long enough to watch your children enslaved.

  6. Let's see:
    Cambridge Press-folds
    Random House --folds

    ABC --folds...

  7. It is true that if they just allow this crap to happen to them that, in some sense, they deserve it.

  8. Eslocker was released late today after posting $500 bond.
    Eslocker and his ABC News colleagues are spending the week investigating the role of corporate lobbyists and wealthy donors at the convention for a series of Money Trail reports on ABC World News with Charles Gibson. Click Here for the Investigative Homepage.

    I wonder who at this hotel was complaining. If ABC was indeed preparing a report on the Money Trail . . .I'd like to know more.
    Dem pols crave the camera. It's not a pol. Could it be some wealthy foreigner or greasy foreign interest that complained?

    Please, pass the popcorn . . .extra butter, please.

  9. Anonymous and AOW,
    This is very sick stuff.

    I'm glad you guys agree with me. I don't much like the MSM or the Democratic Party as it stands, but this just isn't right.

  10. The past several minutes, I've been thinking about this story. I think that it may be very important down the line. It augurs something I really don't like to think about -- the destruction of our First Amendment rights.

  11. Well if, as I suspect, this was done at the behest of the Obamanationites, then yes, I think we really have something to worry about.

  12. I just can't believe the cops didn't say "No."

    That's their job, you know. It's to protect and serve and uphold the law. They know this is bogus beyond belief.

    Just following orders was the excuse of every Nazi henchman.

  13. The only question that matters is...does the hotel own the sidewalk?

    If yes, that's that. (Hard to believe, but it's Denver, I just don't know)

    If not....then the reporter and ABC have actionable damage.

  14. Michale - New Draconia


    Ya I keep telling people just cause we only woke up 7 years ago dont mean this shit hasnt been happening for almost a century

  15. Epa,
    You may have just taught me something I didn't know.

    I thought all sidewalkds were public property. I had no idea it was possible for a business to own a sidewalk.

    Is that true?

  16. It can be.
    Every municipality has differences.
    Here, the city owns it, but YOU are responsible for it. That makes it your problem in 2 feet of snow and ice, but you also can do what you want with it (except build) here, you could compel a vagrant to leave even if that vagrant was breaking no law at that moment, but because he was disturbing your clients and reducing your business.

    Now having a cop shove them into the street....that's another story..why didn't they make them move down the sidewalk?

  17. I still say the sidewalk ought to be considered safe haven for the press, for God's sake.

    Especially in front of a business who is making it their business to help politicians involved in public policy.
