
Saturday, August 23, 2008

The foreign position of VP Errant Joe Biden

Well, we all know the National Journal rating of Senators from Conservative to Liberal using their votes in three areas, Foreign, Economic and Social. It's here

So if we sort by most Liberal to most Conservative in Foreign votes, guess what happens...
nat_jnl_sorted_by_foreign.jpgSo is it liberal or conservative if your votes reflected that we ought act as if democracy should be everywhere?
To find out go here. This is a comparison of Clinton and Obama, but we can see what issues and what kind of votes were considered to be liberal or not.
We can see no such issue as spreading democracy came up, but a vote to begin withdrawals from Iraq MARCH 2007 did. Imagine if they'd had their way. Biden, Obama YEA
Get it?

1 comment:

  1. The leftistas at the bar last night were thrilled with BHO's choice of Biden.
