
Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Italians To Present Bill To Stop Mosques Being Built

From Up Pompeii:

From the article

Italy's Northern League, the populist, xenophobic, sometimes separatist
movement that is a key component of Silvio Berlusconi's governing coalition, has
proposed new legislation which would in effect halt construction of new Islamic

The bill, which the League's chief of deputies Roberto Cota is expected
to send to parliament next week, would require regional approval for the
building of mosques. It would also require that a local referendum be held, that
there be no minaret or loudspeakers calling the faithful to prayer, and sermons
must be in Italian, not Arabic.



    lets hope they get it through--

    I knew there was a reason I love the Italians


    Now if they just crack down hard on the abuses of women there, that would make my day...meaning, zero tolerance of the moslems chaining women to beds [which has been reported]---

    I've always wondered about the tolerance of Italians in Italy and when that tolerance to 'intolerance' would be pushed to the limits and actually I'm a bit surprised that they've tolerated the bull for as long as they have,

    and I don't understand it, but,

    I hope this legislation is passed.

    My great Nana would be rolling in her grave if she saw Italy and what it has become today...and I would Hate to even think what Nano would do, LOL. Whose brother was one of the first [in groups of Italians] to fight for America, WWII, on the boats [sunk by German U Boats] and who died

    fighting for this country against fascism.

    But Italy is hard to read sometimes...kind of fickle that way, but maybe they can find within themselves to take a strong stand and just declare ENOUGH!

  2. This should be interesting when the inevitable challenge gets as far as the European courts.

  3. The article attempts to make Lega Nord sound as if it is a powerful political party and as if it is an integral, important part of the Berlusconi coalition (as if it weren't for Lega Nord, Berlusconi wouldn't be in power).

    This is bullshit, as far as I know.

    Lega Nord have 8.3% of the vote. In the European Parliamentary system, it is easier for people to lodge "protest" votes with parties that are clearly out of the mainstream. And, one of the attendant problems with the Parliamentary system is that parties like Lega Nord can end up in power with far less than 50% of the vote.

  4. Lega Nord were responsible for the recent replacement of a mosque with Orianna Fallaci Square (Italian version of Kelo?).

    Translated article:
    Piazza Oriana Fallaci instead of mosque

    VERONA - Goodbye mosque. Al suo posto, piazza Oriana Fallaci. In its place, square Oriana Fallaci. è la decisione della giunta di Oppeano (Verona), dove ieri mattina le ruspe hanno abbattuto un edificio usato dai musulmani della zona come luogo di preghiera, al posto del quale il Comune realizzerà una piazza intitolata proprio alla scrittrice che, con «Rabbia e orgoglio», aveva promosso una campagna molto aspra nei confronti dell' Islam. is the decision of the Government of Oppeano (Verona), where yesterday morning bulldozers have demolished a building used by Muslims of the area as a place of prayer, instead of which the municipality will carry out a square entitled to its writer, with "anger and pride ', Had promoted a very bitter campaign against' Islam. La decisione di radere al suolo la struttura, aperta dalla onlus «Per il successo dei musulmani», era stata presa dall' amministrazione municipale che aveva acquistato l' area per 70 mila euro allo scopo di trasformarla in uno spazio aperto per parcheggi e zone verdi. The decision to shave the soil structure, initiated by the Foundation "For the success of Muslims", was taken by 'city administration who had bought the' area by 70 thousand euros in order to transform it into an open space for parking and green areas . «I miei cittadini non volevano che ci fosse questo insediamento - ha spiegato il sindaco Alessandro Montagnoli, neodeputato della Lega Nord - soprattutto perché poteva creare problemi di viabilità e di convivenza con i residenti». "My people did not want that there was this settlement - said the mayor Alessandro Montagnoli, neodeputato the Northern League - especially because it could create problems of viability and coexistence with residents.

    God Bless the Italians!

  5. Pastorius, the Lega Nord is fundamental for the existance of the Berlusconi majority. They went from 4 (2006) to 8 % (2008), but, mainly they have their votes concentrated in the North Italy regions. So, there are many places in Lombardi or Veneto where the Lega Nord win 20-30-50% of the votes. Without the Lega Nord the north regions would go to the leftist coalition.
    Berlusconi losed in 1996 because the Lega Nord run alone, he win in 2001 and 2008 with the Lega Nord and in the 2006 he lose only for 20.000 votes on all Italy at the Senate and with a majority on the Chamber (because the centrists of UDC were much less than loyal).

    Lega Nord is not a racist party; many people from the south Italy living in the North support them and a few well integrated immigrants with the citizenship support them.

    The Lega Nord is anti statalists, want lower taxes and a no-nonsense policy. If muslims want to build a mosque, they need to do it with their money (not saudi's) and within the rule of law. Like happen with the churches and the hindu temples.

  6. Forgive me, I'm not a big fan of the Parliamentary system.
