
Saturday, August 23, 2008

Obama Thinks China Is Better Than America - Does Obama Plan An Inferno For The United States?

From Copious Dissent:

Barack Obama is the most undisciplined person to run for office in the last 50 years. His Handlers better get control of him otherwise we will see another 1980 landslide with the Democrats wondering what happened. While Obama has made numerous ridiculous statements in the past, his latest statement reaches a new level of absurdity.

Barack stated in a recent speech off the cuff:
Everybody’s watching what’s going on in Beijing right now with the Olympics. Think about the amount of money that China has spent on infrastructure. Their ports, their train systems, their airports are vastly the superior to us now, which means if you are a corporation deciding where to do business you’re starting to think, “Beijing looks like a pretty good option.”

First and foremost, China has not yet figured out how to feed its entire population. The only parts of China where people are doing well is where they have mimicked the United States, such as Hong Kong. There is nothing uniquely Chinese that America should follow.

Moreover, China does not have the insane environmental regulations that we have in America. If they want to build 1000 power plants surrounding an elementary school, nobody is going to stop them. I wonder how the Sierra Club would feel about that?

Nevertheless, if you listen to Obama's statement, his only understanding of China is from watching the Olympics on television. We know now that most of what we see on China through the television is not true.

Lastly, I would like to mention that if Obama lived in China, one of his daughters would be dead. Or would he support the One Child policy too? I wonder when Obama will realize that people from Germany and China do not vote in our elections.


Mitch comments:
If you want to do away with environmental regulations, take people's homes and businesses to build "infrastructure", use slave labor, send dissenters away to reeducation camps, move the homeless out of view and give big,big business huge tax breaks, then you too, may like China. This, I believe, really does reflect Obama's view of what is good.
Because of the one child per couple policy in China, there is a Gendercide going on, resulting in girls disappearing from the population by the hundreds of millions.

In 1997, the World Health Organization reported that over 50 million girls were missing from the Chinese population.

That was eleven years ago. Imagine the numbers now.

The ultimate result of this is what? When there are few women left what will happen?

Will China turn into one giant orgy of prison rape? Will the few women left be sold off to the highest bidder to as luxury vaginas?

Imagine the twisted sexuality of China turning in on itself, as males have no outlet. Ritualistic sexual violence and insanity would ultimately prevail in such a place.

This is a circle of hell deeper than Dante ever envisioned.

And, this all goes without mentioning the practical reality that Communism, as a Ponzi scheme, is based upon the idea that there will be an ever-expanding population paying the benefits of those who grow older and leave the workforce.

Women can only have one baby every ten months or so, even if they are "optimized". What is China going to do to sustain its Communist Ponzi scheme? Euthanasia of the aging population will become a must.

From each according to his ability, to each according to their need, until the need becomes too great to sustain, and then to each a dose of cyanide according to their body weight.

Barack Obama gazes over this lowest circle of hell and sees in it a promise for a better America.


  1. Pastorius,

    Obama believes Communist propaganda. Yet another reason he shouldn't be president. Whats going on in China right now is largely window dressing.

  2. Potemkin Village:

  3. Karma karma karma karma karma chameleon,
    you come and go, you come and go...

  4. A civilization is measure by how it treats its women.

    That is true and it is a double-edged sword, Natasha.

    Truth is, what are women going to do about it. The examples of China and Islam prove the answer is ...


    There is little women can do, but hope that men will live by the morals given to us by God.

  5. Pastorius,

    I think you can measure a civilization, not just by how it treats its women, but also by how it treats its weakest members.

  6. Damien,
    I agree with you.

  7. "Ooooo Loka at all the pretty shiny buildings! TheChineese must be so advanced! Ilike sshiny things."


  8. WC,

    That sums up Obama's worldview almost perfectly.

    For God's sake, what a candidate we are saddled with.

  9. Obama's problem is that he has such a high opinion of Obama that he thinks the rest of us are stupid.

    I have to be right or his IQ is somewhere around 85.

    Haven't you ever noticed how these socialist/progressives (or whatever they call themselves this week) confuse the ability to memorize something and then parrot it back, with intelligence?

    Oh well, affirmative action in action.

  10. Warren,
    I know how sharp, and fair, a guy you are, so that comment doesn't come off sounding nutty.

    Your opinion is, Obama is really that stupid.

    I wouldn't guess his IQ is that low. In fact, I wouldn't hazard a guess about his IQ except to say that he certainly is not a genius in the traditional sense.

    In my opinion, he does have a genius for manipulating the public when on script. As I understand it, he writes much of what he says in public.

    It is pretty much universally agreed that the two books he wrote are both exceptionally well-written.

    But, he lacks a fundamental understanding of history. One of the most glaring examples was when he said we ought to have something akin to the Nuremburg Trials, in liue of military tribunals for the enemy combatants captured during the War on Terror.

    That incident showed that not only does he not understand history, but that he doesn't have a clue that he doesn't understand history.

    As Donald Rumsfeld said, "There are unknown unknowns." And, in the case of Obama, one of his personal unknown unknowns is his own intellect.

    And, that is probably because he was fed such a load of horsecrap about how "bright", "articulate", and "clean" he was all his life. And sadly, he seems to have bought it hook, line, and sinker. Which brings us back to your theory #1; that he has such a high opinion of himself that he thinks the rest of us are stupid.

    The man edited the Harvard Law Review and never contributed an article to it.

    That probably betrays some essential insecurity about his intellect. It would be interesting to find out how many previous editors of the Harvard Law Review ever went their entire tenure without contributing an article.

    I think Obama just may be a in a class of one on that one.

    He would be unique, so to speak.

  11. I think he is good at «flirting» with the public.

  12. Well put, Anonymous. That is one of his primary talents.
