
Thursday, October 30, 2008

Did Obama Seal His Birth Certificate On His Recent Trip To Hawaii?

If so, why?

As I speculated in a recent article, Obama had a dual purpose in leaving his campaign for Hawaii. And whaddaya know? His plane had barely touched down from his trip to Honolulu - ostensibly to visit his ailing granny - when the Republican governor of the Aloha State, Linda Lingle, placed his birth certificate under seal, directed the state's Department of Health to bar access of the document to the press, and declared that the only people eligible to obtain it were the person born or someone acting on his behalf, a relative, or a legal guardian.

So did Obama request the document, the better to resolve the question of his eligibility to be president? With less than a week to go before the election - and with attorney Philip J. Berg's lawsuit questioning that eligibility on the way to the Supreme Court - we still haven't seen Obama's birth certificate!

The peculiar events of the last week leave more questions than answers.

If Lingle sealed Obama's birth certificate, then there is indeed a record of his birth in Hawaii. But as The Obama Nation author Jerome Corsi writes, there is still no answer about "whether the original document...was a hospital-generated birth certificate or a registration of birth that may have been filed subsequent to the birth." In other words, we still don't know if Obama was born in Hawaii or on foreign soil.

Corsi says that in Honolulu's downtown library, he found a published notice in the Honolulu Advertiser: August 13, 1961..."Mr. and Mrs. Barack II Obama. 6085 Kalanianaole-Hwy, son, Aug. 4." But the notice "does not list the hospital where the Obama son was born or the doctor who delivered the baby." Further, Corsi was told by government authorities in Kenya that "all documents concerning Obama were under seal until after the U.S. presidential election on November 4."

We have to wonder what took place between Lingle and Obama, and/or one of his representatives, to compel her at this late date to seal a document that is the very prerequisite of eligibility to be President of the United States.

Go read the whole thing.

For my part, it would seem that if there were existing records proving that Obama was not born in the United States, they will be released eventually. It would be crazy to assume there is no one in the Hawaii Hall of Records who would not want to have the truth come out about Obama.


  1. If these documents are unsealed after an Obama win, and there are questions, we will have an instant constitutional crisis.

    2000 will look like a party.

    All the pressure will fall on the actual electors in the college.

  2. It would be a Constitutional crisis.

    However, I don't understand why you say the pressure would fall on the Electors in the College. It wouldn't be up to them. If he is not elligible, then he is not elligible for a vote from the populace, and they precede the Electoral College in the process. Therefore, the Electoral College would have nothing to do with the process.

    Realistically, it would go to the courts, because it is in their jurisdiction to interpret the Constitution.

  3. You know this is another one that could have the same blackmail problem. How about this 3:00 a.m. phone call "Psst, hey Barry. You don't know me but I used to work for the state of Hawaii. Before I got fired I got my hands on a very interesting document from your very early childhood. Now to keep that to myself all you have to do. . ." Show us the damn certificate. Show us the damn tape. Or take your damn ass out of the game. Too many shady ne'er-do-well friends that we know about could cause this kind of mischief. What about the ones DON'T know about with big chunks of his history sealed from public view? Empty suit baloney. He's The Invisible Man.

  4. ACORN, Odinga, Farrakhan, Wright, Pfleger, Birth Certificate, Voter registration fraud, voter fraud, campaign contribution fraud, Keith Olberman, Bill Ayers, Bernadette Doryn, Chris Matthews, Rashid Khalidi, Tony Rezko -- how in the hell did we let someone like this get this close to the presidency? (yes, I know, willfull blindness just to start but dang I need to vent right now).

  5. I want to know why there is no one out there who will stand up with the real birth certificate.

    There's got to be someone out there who has it.

  6. Well if we assume that Obama would be disqualified.....WHO VOTED FOR BIDEN?

    If Obama had been properly outed in April or last year, we'd be looking at Hillary, not Joe Biden.

    The electors would be under HUGE pressures, and constitutionally could do anyt damn thing they wanted

  7. Maybe it would make sense to have Biden become President. I don't know. Maybe you know more about it than I.

  8. Great blog- and the people here have raised many of the issues that are bothersome about Barack.
    But we cannot take the chance this this man becomes President and we lose control of this wonderful country that we love.
    If ANY one of these issues is troubling to you- make that your energy to get to the polls on Tuesday.
    Vote McCain-Palin and bring FRIENDS to the polls with you.

    We cannot afford to give the care of our great nation to a "creep."

    Analyse all his associations- and that's the only conclusion you can come to- the guy is a pandering, Socialist CREEP.
    And keep in mind that Barry's henchmen at ACORN are busily stuffing the ballot boxes across America. Paid for by Obama and the American taxpayer!

    Wake up and take control- or America will no longer be beautiful!

    He was just "endorsed" by Ahmedinajad. OO went to the Million Man March with Louis Farrakhan- who calls BO "The Messiah" and calls Judaism "a gutter religion."

    His campaign tried to ruin Joe the Plumber, Barbara West- and sent the secret service to bully a woman who wouldn't suport him.
    It will only gets worse.
    A hanging effigy of Sarah Palin is an "art installation" and an effigy in Obama is a hate crime.

    What gives?
    BO wants to re-write the Consitution, because our founding fathers didn't do it right!
    Arrogance, elitist RIDICULOUS !

    McCain-Palin 2008

  9. This just in:

    State declares Barack Obama's Hawaii birth certificate is genuine

    By Associated Press
    6:43 PM EDT, October 31, 2008

    HONOLULU (AP) _ State officials say there's no doubt Barack Obama was born in Hawaii.

    Health Department Director Dr. Chiyome Fukino said Friday she and the registrar of vital statistics, Alvin Onaka, have personally verified that the health department holds Obama's original birth certificate.

    Fukino says that no state official, including Republican Gov. Linda Lingle, ever instructed that Obama's certificate be handled differently.

    She says state law bars release of a certified birth certificate to anyone who does not have a tangible interest.

    (and this slightly different account:)

    Friday, October 31, 2008 - 11:51 AM HAST (That means Hawaii/Aleutian Standard Time)

    Obama’s Hawaii birth certificate confirmed
    Pacific Business News (Honolulu)

    The director of Hawaii’s Department of Health confirmed on Friday what Barack Obama has been saying all along: the presidential candidate was born in Honolulu.

    “There have been numerous requests for Sen. Barack Hussein Obama’s official birth certificate,” said Chiyome Fukino. “State law prohibits the release of a certified birth certificate to persons who do not have a tangible interest in the vital record.”

    Citing her statutory authority to oversee and maintain Hawaii’s vital records, Fukino said she has “personally seen and verified that the Hawaii State Department of Health has Sen. Obama’s original birth certificate on record in accordance with state policies and procedures.

    “No state official, including Gov. Linda Lingle, has ever instructed that this vital record be handled in a manner different from any other vital record in the possession of the State of Hawaii,” Fukino added.

    Lingle, a Republican, has been campaigning on the Mainland for Obama’s opponent, Sen. John McCain of Arizona.

    Obama, a Democratic senator from Illinois, was born Aug. 4, 1961, in Honolulu. He graduated high school at Punahou School in 1979.

    End quote:

    These two versions of the same report seem clear enough. The birth certificate is on file in Hawaii and it is valid.

    However, the opponents of Obama simply will not give up. I have seen one Web comment that went along these lines: "It could have been a valid Kenyan birth certificate on file in Hawaii that the Hawaii official was talking about."

    Laughable, of course, why would a Kenyan birth certificate be filed in Hawaii?

    Oh, and the governor of Hawaii never ordered Obama's birth records to be sealed. All birth records are sealed and are available only to the family. The report that she had issued a special order to seal the records apparently originates in a right-wing news service (do a search).

    And the gov. of Hawaii is a Republican. Why should she do anything special to help Obama?
