
Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Barbarism in Mecca

This should come as no surprise, of course, but it’s worth reminding ourselves now and again of just what chilling possibilities lie ahead if we continue to allow the creeping Islamisation of Western democracies.

A Saudi businessman has been sentenced to four months in prison and 200 lashes by barbarians in that country for hosting a mixed concert at his fun park in what the Muslim world calls a “holy city”, that of Mecca.

He was arrested after an argument with agents from the powerful religious police who ordered him to end the concert, the daily Okaz said, as handed on to us by Austalia’s Courier Mail.

“A court found the man guilty of hindering the work of the agents of the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, known as Muttawa,” says the Courier Mail, “and involvement in ‘organising a concert where men and women mix’.”

Ooh. How utterly obscene!

It continues:

The ultra-conservative kingdom applies a strict version of sharia, or Islamic law, which imposes segregation between the sexes.

It is also the only country where women are not allowed to drive, and they have to cover themselves from head to toe while in public.

On a lighter note, there is some compensation for that last point. At least they can ride a bicycle (or “burcycle” and the clue is in this portmanteau name) which allows them to cover up and be on wheels at the same time – courtesy of a sort of mobile shed.

I wrote an article for G&LH recently that covered that – and more besides.


  1. When having fun is outlawed, only outlaws will have fun.

    Good to see you posting here. We've missed you.

  2. Hi, Pasto. Thanks for the "welcome back". I was away for more than a week over Christmas and have had a lot of catching up to do since.

  3. Define fun..what you consider fun may not be the fun envisage by the is time dependence as well as cultural to kids years ago were different from fun being enjoyed by the kids today, a different measures and control mechanism are humiliating other religions and people who believe in the books are fun then you are way out of steps..
