
Monday, January 26, 2009

Indoctrination Watch: University of Washington Makes Obama's Dreams From My Father Required Reading For Incoming Freshman

From the Seattle Post Intelligencer Blog:

Obama's "Dreams from My Father" picked for UW Common Book

The University of Washington picked a hot topic for its 2009 "common book," which all incoming freshmen will be asked to read next fall.


Barack Obama's "Dreams from My Father" was selected by a committee to be the university's fourth shared reading experience.

Here's how a UW spokeswoman describes the book:

Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance is an honest portrayal of Obama as he embarks on a journey of self-discovery as a young man after learning of his father's death an ocean away in Kenya. Separated from his father at the age of two, Obama knew his father only through the well-rehearsed stories told to him by his grandparents and mother. At the age of twenty-one, Obama decides it is time to finally confront the truths behind his racially-divided identity.

Here's something to ponder: 

Before the outbreak of WWII Hitler's biggest source of income was royalties from Mein Kampf, which also was compulsory reading.


  1. Should be fun if someone comes up with the evidence that Ayers actually wrote that one. Of course if anyone does they will probably be disciplined for "hate speech"...

  2. RRA,
    I've read quite a bit of material opining that Ayers actually wrote the book. But, of course, we mustn't insult "The One" by even speaking about the possibility. **snerk**

  3. And the words 'an honest portrayal', ha.

  4. It might be a good idea to read it and Obamanation, too. What's good for the goose is sauce for the gander, ne?

  5. Before the outbreak of WWII Hitler's biggest source of income was royalties from Mein Kampf, which also was compulsory reading.

  6. Next week I understand the School of Rehabilitation Medicine there will introduce a short course on scratching his Oneness' balls

  7. Is this University in Obamagrad (formerly know as Washington DC), or Obamastan (formerly known as Washington State)?

  8. Thanks, Ciccio. I had forgotten that.

  9. How fathers is Obama the son of.

  10. I meant to write

    How many fathers is Obama the son of.

  11. Oh for heaven's sake, stop the Nazi- and Hitler comparisons. The man is bad enough as he is.
