
Friday, February 27, 2009


Three groundbreaking rock bands to come out of the late 60's and early 70's. Their influence can never be denied, overstated or forgotten. Last night Led Zeppelin.

Is Ian Anderson not a man possessed when he performs? Great showman. Just imagine the amount of ink spent analyzing why he stands on one leg when he plays flute.


Jethro Tull
Locomotive Breath

The Third Band? Tomorrow night.


  1. I use to dream about Ian Anderson's thighs

  2. Oh Tizzy I am so afraid to go near that one 'cuz it could just go so south so quickly :)

    Glad you liked the post.

  3. Can you believe the freaking talent of that time?? What the heck was in the air?

    Playing in the streets, listening to WLS or WFLD (AM!!) on our transistor radios (we were, like betwen 8 and 11 years old - can you believe that??) you could hear Santana, Carole King, the Archies (!!) the Doors, the Stones, Hendrix, John Denver, Moody Blues, the Who, the Cowsills and Janis Joplin in the same set.

    No wonder I'm a music snob.

    Thanks for this, too!


  4. 1 more tomorrow night, Ro Ro :)

    But it isn't one on your list above.

    Glad you liked it.

  5. What??? It's not "Hair" by the Cowsills?? Ah - gotta be "Paper Moon" by Marie O.

    No? Perhaps it's hmmm - gosh, not the Who? Wow. Cream?! Yardbirds? Now I have something fun to look forward to.

    Ro ('k, I guess I deserve it) Ro

  6. All awesome bands (well, except Marie O) but nope, all just a couple years too early for this.

    They're not British.

  7. Not British AND not Hendrix?????


    Hmmmmm. OK, then. Bob Dylan?! Or is that too early and folky?

    OK - um - Oh, god, I just started thinking about Wolfman Jack's show.

    The Dead, Airplane, Velvet Underground (not my cup of tea, but still...), Steppenwolf (now, there's an "American Band" - oh, no, not GFRR!!).

    Now I kinda can't get over that it's not the Doors. Geeze - I still remember how I used to have a hard time sleeping if the transistor radio under my pillow played "Riders on the Storm." And "LA Woman" - man, listening to almost any of their songs was like going to a movie. Unbelieveably evocative.

    But I do have one confession about Zep. If I never, ever, ever hear "Stairway to Heaven" again, it will be too soon. Although right about now it would be fun to blast "Immigrant Song."

    OK - I will wait.

    There is a tea party in my town tomorrow! It's at lunch time, so I hope my hubby can go too.


  8. Remember, groundbreaking, had scarcely been done before. All those bands are great, especially the Doors.

    (In college I had to do a report on a Philosopher. I chose Jim Morrison. Got the highest grade in the class)(oh, this was at a Catholic College and the professor for this particular course was a nun who had survived the Concentration Camps. Every now and then you would get a glimpse of the tattoo on her left arm)

    Just put up a post and link to Malkin for a ton of Tea Parties tomorrow.

  9. I have not studied Jim Morrison, but just from the lyrics I think I can understand why a nun who survived that would appreciate him.

    Well, I never would have guessed Tull for your second pick, so I will just wait and be surprised.

    I am not someone who wants to be able to figure out "whodunit". I like surprises.

    Loved "Rebecca" and "Jane Eyre" for that reason.

    I don't know enough about the music of that era (just listened to a lot of it!) to be able to even hazard another guess as to who it was who was even more "groundbreaking" than Hendrix, for instance.

    Looking forward to seeing the vid.


  10. Anonymous said...

    "Immigrant Song."

    Yep thats one of the few zep tunes that cuts it for me

    Of the American Bands of this era who cut the grade was Zappa.

    Hot Rats album, that is a classic in the true sense

    By the way, I have been lucky enough to see Zappa, Led Zepplin and Pink Floyd Perform on the same stage on the same day.

  11. Shiva -

    Oh my gosh.

    Do you still need to wear a veil because your face is glowing from the glory of that day???


    So you think it is Frank and/or the Mothers of Invention on tap for this evening's musical interlude?


  12. Did you know the real nameof the band was Frank Zappa and the Mothers from the beginning? Some DJ (I think) couldn't just say the Mothers on the air at the time so he added the Invention part and it stuck. For awhile.

    for me it's Joe's Garage and Jazz from Hell.

    And nope, it's not Zappa.

  13. No, I did not know that. And for Pete's sake, post the damn thing already. It's 5 o'clock somewhere.

    Oh - I gotta go now anyway - I'm late for tea. It's iced Earl Grey - I didn't think it would taste good, but it's yummy, so I may have to sip some on my way.

    Since I gave up adult beverages for Lent. (Not like I'd drink in the car anyway. Texans only do that regularly on the Llano Estacdo, right?) Ha!

    Ro Ro Ro your boat in the sea of tea. . .
