
Friday, March 27, 2009

Speaking of Illinois Nazis. . .

Ya know, all things considered and the way some threads have turned recently, I just couldn't help myself.


  1. midnight rider,

    I've been wanting to see that Blues Brothers movie for awhile.

  2. ya gotta see it, Damien. Absolute Classic :)

  3. Too bad John Belushi wasn't around to do that to Nazis George W Bush and Schwarzenegger.

  4. Anonymous,

    You wrote,
    Too bad John Belushi wasn't around to do that to Nazis George W Bush and Schwarzenegger.

    That's way out of line! Bush and Schwarzeneger are not Nazis and are not comparable Nazis. I'm a conservative who still to some degree likes both Bush and Schwarzeneger, but I can respect people who don't like them. They both have their flaws and they both disappointed me in one way or another. I can not however respect people who see either of them in the same light as Nazis. There is no comparison between whatever flaws Bush and Schwarzeneger have to the vile evil ideology of Nazism.

    I don't like Obama, but I would compare him to a Nazi or Hitler.

    In fact I was rather critical of the title of one of the commentaries posted her for that reason.

  5. by the way, I meant to say "I don't like Obama, but I would not compare him to a Nazi or Hitler." Sorry about that.

  6. Anonymous a statement like that shows only your ignorance of who and what the Nazis were. Under a true Nazi regime that would have landed you in a concentration camp. Provided they didn't just decide to summarily execute you instead.
