
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Once Upon a Time in America

As the threat to our culture and civilization from an evil and decadent ideology progressed at a rapid pace, the MSM, celebrities and anti-war organizations spread their disinformation and plied their appeasing trade.

From the main stream media: "The most ominous event in the history of the American Government has been the sudden rise in the power and authority of the executive will.”

From a celebrity: “It is not the duty of the United States to police the world.”

From an anti-war organization: Americans naturally wish security and peace for the rest of the world, but it is not entirely within their powers to bring these things about.

What year are these quotes from? 2001? 2002? 2007?

Nope. 1940

  • Garet Garrett wrote the first quote in the Saturday Evening Post, October, 1940.
  • Charles Lindbergh, the celebrity, said this in his testimony in Washington in1940.
  • Quoted by the America First Committee in 1940 - and anti-war organization.

Just a year later, Pearl Harbour was bombed.

Did these appeasers learn from their misinterpretation of events? Did they publicly admit that they were wrong? Did they shuffle their feet and apologize for the additional deaths they caused by preventing the government from committing the country earlier to the war effort?

On December 11, 1941 the America First Committee leaders met and voted for dissolution. In the statement they released to the press was the following:

“Our principles were right. Had they been followed, war could have been avoided. No good purpose can now be served by considering what might have been, had our objectives been attained...”

Now that’s ballsy.

So when it’s finally clear that we are at war with a malicious ideology that even a blind man with a cane can see it, the liberals, democrats, appeasers and apologist will still say – “We didn’t do enough to avert war.”

As they say, proven wrong, a fanatic redoubles his efforts.


  1. Good post, great site!

  2. Some other examples:

    "America has nothing to fear from Khomeini since he would be a progressive force for human rights." - William Miller

    "The Ayatollah Khomeini has been depicted in a manner calculated to frighten...His close advisors are uniformly composed of moderate, progressive individuals who share a notable concern with human rights..." - Richard Falk

    "The second Gandhi of Asia" - William Sullivan

    “some kind of saint" - Andrew Young

  3. WC,

    Unfortunately that last quote has a small kernal of truth to it.

    "Americans naturally wish security and peace for the rest of the world, but it is not entirely within their powers to bring these things about."I don't think we can stop all wars, or even scare all our enemies into leaving us and our allies alone.
