
Monday, April 27, 2009

What You Going To Do About It


  1. Europe has a severe demographic problem, and must begin thinking what it is going to do about it.

    However, the appeal to white people is a bit silly. The problem is culture, not race. The Islamic culture/ideology is simply incompatible with Western Civilization.

    Additionally, I have to wonder about some of the basic assumptions at work here. This video says that there is no economic model under which a society can sustain itself with a 1.3 replacement rate.

    Ok, perhaps that is true.


    The Bubonic Plague reduced Europe's population drastically, and yet, Europe survived that, with a far inferior Economic model to that which we have now.

    Here's info from Wiki:

    The total number of deaths worldwide is estimated at 75 million people,[10] approximately 25–50 million of which occurred in Europe.[11][12] The Black Death is estimated to have killed 30% to 60% of Europe's population.[13][14][15] It may have reduced the world's population from an estimated 450 million to between 350 and 375 million in 1400.[16]

  2. Is the BNP making the transition from racism to culturalism?

  3. BNP?

    Someone give me a call when Nick Griffin and the rest of that lot are found in the street with a pewter mug full of pencils, for one penny each. At that point MAYBE...MAYBE... they are worth some thought

    Until then ..they are who we thought they were.

  4. shiva,

    We need to find a way to reverse this trend, but how?
