
Sunday, May 31, 2009

Athens: Muslims and Leftists Celebrate the Fall Of Constantinople and Protest Koran Insult At The Same Time

This story is just amazing. Leftists are helping Muslims protest the tearing up of a piece of paper with verses from the Krayon on it. This is called a "Koran insult". Additionally, for the Muslims, this demonstration also, as the story points out, just happens to coincide with the fall of Constantinople and the Byzantine Empire - AND THUS, IT IS A CELEBRATION OF THE HEIGHT OF THE DARK AGES - and as I said, 


What a bunch of leftard freaks. Celebrating the very ideology which would kill them first, with all their gay rights, and their women's rights, and their licentiousness and bacchanalia. 

More than 1,000 Muslim migrants and leftists demonstrated in Athens Friday over an alleged police insult to the Koran, a week after two similar protests degenerated into clashes with anti-riot police.

The protest was called by leftist and anti-racist groups after a police officer allegedly tore up some sheets of paper with extracts from the Muslim holy book belonging to an Iraqi migrant during an identity check last week.

"We want this officer put on trial, and we ask the government to protect our prayer sites in Athens," said Zuri, a Moroccan protester.

"But we intend to set a good example and refrain from violence, Islam is a religion of peace," he said.

Scores of police on foot and on motorbikes were mobilised to maintain order and keep the migrants who marched on parliament from coming into contact with a few dozen neo-Nazi militants staging a street gathering a few blocks away.

The far-right group was commemorating the fall of Constantinople, capital of the Byzantine Empire, to the Ottoman Turks in 1453.

Greece's main Muslim and migrant organisations distanced themselves from the migrant demonstration, preferring to take judicial action instead.

"Our problems can be solved by dialogue, not demonstrations," said Ahmet Moavia, head of the Greek Migrants' Forum.

"The real agenda is migrants' rights in Greece which include issues of religion," he told AFP.

"Muslim Arabs will not participate because there is a political agenda which has nothing to do with Islam," said Naim El Gadour, chairman of the Muslim Union of Greece.

"We filed a complaint against the officer, we chose the path of justice and peace and we will adhere to it."

Rights groups report an increase in racist attacks on migrants in Athens in recent weeks. Last weekend, unknown assailants set fire to a basement flat housing a mosque and injured five men from Bangladeshsleeping inside.

More than a dozen migrants and police were injured last week in clashes that marred two days of Muslim rallies over the alleged insult to the Koran.

Scores of cars and a handful of shops had their windows smashed.

Police made 46 arrests at the time.

Muslim groups have demanded an apology over the incident which the government has so far failed to give. Calls to identify the officer who allegedly tore the Koranic verses have also been ignored.

Community elders also note that Greece has failed to honour years of pledges to build a mosque and a cemetery in Athens where over 100,000 Muslims live.

There are around one million migrants legally living in Greece, roughly nine percent of the country's population, most of them from neighbouring Albania.

Another 80,000-100,000 migrants are believed to be residing in the country illegally according to the interior ministry.

So, are we to believe the Muslims were not aware that their organized demonstration fell on the anniversary of the fall of Constantinople?

I call b.s.

To all you Leftists out there who believe you can make friends with Muslim Jihadists who get upset over "insults to the Koran". Here's how the Muslim Jihadists feel about you, you stupid drunken sluts.


  1. Leftists supporting muslims makes a lot of sense when you comprehend the dynamic at play.

    Dr.Jamie Glasov explains in simplest of terms in United in Hate, part 2 of 2 part video. Listen to the end.

  2. I have, actually, come to understand the dynamic. One thing you have to understand about me personally, is I used to be a Lefite myself, and on 9/11 I was stunned to learn that my fellow Lefties really did hate the U.S.

    I always believed it was a pose, for coolness sake, cuz frankly that's all it was for me.

    I still believe that many Lefties are just posing.

    Problem is, the core of them actually really do hate America, and those are the leaders.

  3. Pastorius,

    The left has no idea what useful idiots they are. They have no idea what will happen to them when their Islamic friends take over. If they think the religious right is bad, wait until they are force to live by the rules of an Islamic state, complete with Sharia law.
