
Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Global Warming Conference Results: A Boom For Prostitutes In Copenhagen

Global warming gets hot, and the climate worshipers are approaching climaxes of their own.
The warm up to the Global Warming gangbang, sorry summit this week in Bella Centret, Copenhagen, before the summit to take place later this year has relieved some of the pressure, at least some are welcoming them with open arms in Copenhagen and with no qualms bending over for Al Gore and Co. Indeed, the Global Warming has reached a Climax.

Translated from Jyllands Posten

The whole day the faces are laid with serious frowns, when business men,
politicians and burocrats are gathered in Bella Centret in Copenhagen and discusses the Global Climate. But during the night they got laid on the sheets, which has got their full focus, when the conference attendees from the whole world enjoy themselves with Danish and foreign prostitutes.

- We have been busy like mad. The politicians do also need to relax after a long day, is the verdict from 'Miss Dina', who works as a prostitute.

It is the News bulletin 3F, which has made phonecalls to various escort agencies and prostitutes, to know, if they have been extra busy during the Global warming conference. And they all agree: Top summits in Copenhagen is good for the economy.

The chairwoman of Reden [The nest] International [The prostitutes association] Doris Otzen acknowledge, that big events in Copenhagen attracts more sex-workers.

- Lots of men gathered at one place means more work for the prostitutes. Then we have got a government which do not want to forbid prostitution, so we actually invites the visitors to go to prostitutes, says Dorit Otzen to the News bulletin 3F.

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