
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Video: The coup in Honduras was illegal, says Obama

From Hot Air:

The country’s supreme court disagrees, but oh well. The One hath spoken. Regarding the lip service he pays here to “democratic traditions,” does the fact that Honduras’s congress blessed Zelaya’s ouster and installed Micheletti as president factor at all into the calculus about how democratic this was? What about the fact that Zelaya was organizing his referendum towards anti-democratic ends, as a first step towards installing himself as a Chavez-esque strongman? 
And since Obama’s so worried about setting “terrible precedents,” how about the precedent of piping up in support of a Chavez stooge instead of simply staying out of this? He goes so far here as to say that Zelaya’s still the president of Honduras, which risks forcing an impossible situation where he’s returned to power despite all other arms of the government — military, legislature, and judiciary — being openly hostile to him. What could go wrong?


  1. Obama should take heed. Socialist tyrants despots and dictators can be legally removed in many countries, even here.

  2. Yeah, what midnight said. Obama can drop dead.

  3. I'd prefer he be removed from office.

  4. That's what I said. Legally, and soon. I think anon. was using it as a euphemism like go to hell. But I could be wrong.

  5. Yeah, I understood what you mean.

    Anonymous' comment, though probably meant more as a euphemism, is very close to being across the line.

    I don't like to be nit-picky, but you know, we gotta have some standards.

  6. The Brits have an expression: "pound sand". I don't know exactly what it means but it's probably safer than "drop dead".

    It's only been 5 months, but does anyone else have the feeling we will see this attitude of Obama's remain consistent right up to and including his own re-election bid? Assuming we get past 2010 of course.

  7. I think Obama will either have to change or he will be thrown out of office.

    His violations of the American Tradition, and in some cases of the Constitution itself, are so egregious we can not ignore them.

  8. I do not think he will be thrown out of office. I use Dhimmi Carter as exhibit A. America has never been so weak in the post nuclear era as it was during his presidency. At the time, the Soviet Union was flexing its muscles, basking in its pride and had a seemingly invincible military. America was busy recovering from a variety of humiliations, most notably the Iran Embassy Siege. Under Obama's leadership, America will once again become weak. Let North Korea and Iran's recent actions serve as examples of how much they fear Obama. Like Dhimmi, Obama will likely finish his term and then lose office to a Republican. Let's just hope that this person is a reincarnation of Ronald Regan and rebuilds America's power and influence.

  9. Total,
    Those Congressional seats seem to be worth an awful lot to those Congress people.

    If the people of the U.S. get sufficiently angry between now and the 2010 election, I believe you will see Congress jumping up and down in condemnation of Obama.
