
Friday, July 31, 2009

A Beer And A Shot

The shot is a photograph, not a whiskey chaser. (I know Midnight Rider will be disappointed). (DANG IT, PASTO, YOU'RE SUCH A TEASE! -- MR)


This picture truly is worth at least a thousand words. Thomas Lifson has the full story at American Thinker. or POS?

I am stunned that the official White House Blog published this picture and that it is in the public domain. The body language is most revealing.

Sergeant Crowley, the sole class act in this trio, helps the handicapped Professor Gates down the stairs, while Barack Obama, heedless of the infirmities of his friendand fellow victim of self-defined racial profiling, strides ahead on his own. So who is compassionate? And who is so self-involved and arrogant that he is oblivious?

In my own dealings with the wealthy and powerful, I have always found that the way to quickly capture the moral essence of a person is to watch how they treat those who are less powerful. Do they understand that the others are also human beings with feelings? Especially when they think nobody is looking.

Like this...

Obama shows his manners THIS way...


  1. Sgt. Crowley has proven himself to be a true professional. The city of Cambridge should be proud to have an officer of this caliber on its police force.

  2. I've got a similar post about the top photo queued up. LOL.

  3. Oh the last picture you posted of Hussein bending down to the ground for King Abdallah of Saudi Arabia just breaks my heart. I know its been around for a while now but everytime I see it, it really does break my heart.

    Saudi Arabia: A country that has been a symbol of Islam for a very long time now. 15 our of 19 9/11 suicide terrorists came from Saudi Arabia. There was proof of official Saudi involvement.

    United States of America: Stands for everything Saudi Arabia hates. Equal rights for men and women. No discrimintation based on religion, sex or race (at least in the constitution). Last but not least--liberty, JUSTICE and the pursuit of happiness.

    When Hussein, the leader of the US bows down to Abdallah, the leader of Saudi Arabia, he is not just bowing down to "the custodian of the two Holy Mosques", it is America (represented by Hussein) bowing down to Saudi Arabia.

    Anyway, as I am not an American citizen, my ranting will do little to change anything but I just can't help myself.

  4. Rant away. We all rant about it too. Believe me.

  5. Class vs Crass. Obama leaves Gates to be escorted by the cop (which is where this really all began, isn't it) while Bush can help & hold the hand of that racist creep Byrd. He had to be choking back his bile on that one.
