
Monday, July 27, 2009

Nothing Good Can Come of This

Are you fucking kidding me? I mean really. This is pandering of the worst sort and I hope Crowley doesn't go for it. I can't see Obama even being a beer drinker. Now Hillary. . .

Hell, if it will keep him from doing it I'll buy Crowley a case of Yuengling and send it to him.

Gawd I need a drink. Where's my Wild Turkey. . .


Obama Still Wants Beer With Gates, Crowley

Monday, July 27, 2009 11:31 AM

WASHINGTON -- The White House says plans are under way for the police officer and professor at the center of a racial controversy to join President Barack Obama for a beer.

Spokesman Robert Gibbs says he hopes Sgt. James Crowley and Harvard scholar Henry Louis Gates Jr. will have a drink with the president this week.

Crowley arrested Gates in his home earlier this month after receiving a report of a possible break-in. Obama initially said the police acted "stupidly." But the president called Crowley Friday and told him he regretted his choice of words. The two discussed getting a beer at the White House with Gates.

You're supposed to have a shot with that, sir.

(I think he's turning green. . .)


  1. I absolutely agree with you, M.R. Obama and Gates plan to get Crowley in there for one reason: to attempt to make him a spokesman for their viewpoint. The man has a family to support and work that obviously means a great deal to him and they will threaten both, if only by threatening the job by which he supports his family, unless he plays along. They know they have blown this and that beer summit is their only chance to turn it back to their advantage.

  2. The arrest tapes are now up and about as sensational as paint drying. Apparently what the other police heard on their cruiser radios was much clearer, since one told WTTK commentator Michele McPhee that he could hear Gates yelling "like a maniac". All we get on the released radio tape to the dispatcher is some terse comments from Crowley, a few muffled yells apparently from Gates, and a lot of "52" which is Crowley's cruiser number.

  3. I think this whole thing of "having a beer" with Crowley is classist bullshit. Talking down to the blue-collar worker.

    Do you really think Gates and Obama are beer drinkers? I don't think so. Obama is probably a Chardonnay drinker, and Gates might be a red wine guy. But, I seriously doubt these guys are beer afficionadoes.

  4. Pasto,

    He's just trying to appease the working class public, who, in this case, are represented by Sgt. Crowley. It's how BO works. He appeases Europe, he appeases Iran, he appeases North Korea, he appeases the Muslim world, he appeases the Russian Federation, and he appeases leftist dictators in Latin America. The only difference is that the POTUS apologized to all of those listed above, except for Sgt. Crowley.

  5. POLICE CHIEF: Officer Crowley. You arrested a suspected murderer?

    POLICE CHIEF: He's upset, you know.

    CROWLEY: Just doin' my job Chief.

    POLICE CHIEF: It would be nice if you sat down and had beer with him to iron things out - OK?


  6. I don't mean to piss on anyone's parade here, but the Dear One is having a rather dainty looking beer...and if I'm not mistaken...his left pinkie is ever so slightly out.....Just noticing is all.

  7. Yes, Jau Jau, you're right. His pinkie finger is held out. Great observation.

    Also, from the look on his face, I'd say he doesn't like the taste of the beer either.

  8. Pasto & JauJau -- And thus, say I, he's turning green.

    Shit, my shot glasses are bigger than that. . .

    . . .and that's no joke.

  9. Y'know, that's looking like a fairly nice darker beer, too. Way darker than that ultralight pnather piss Hillary is holding.

    Man has NO redeeming social graces.

  10. Revere has it right. I think they are going to sit him down for a photo op, say "See, look, we're just like the average American and we're not racist having a beer with a white guy."

    Either that or they're going to liqueur him up and then put on their boas. . .

  11. Yeah, Skippy and Barry are gonna go Deliverance on Sgt. Crowley.

    Word of warning: If you're a guy, don't accept an invitation for a drink with a guy named Skip.

  12. Hillary grew up on the far south side as a Goldwater Girl. Betcha she can drink our POTUS under the table. But then again, who couldn't. . .

    Did you guys see the vid with the other CPD cops defending Crowley??

    CNN interviewed them.

    It is amazing. What a bunch of stand-up, thoughtful, honorable people.

    They are lucky to have each other as colleagues.


  13. Oh, MR, there are some magnificent pilsners that are that color. And, no, I am not referring to Old Style.


  14. Ro -- Czech Rebel and Stella come to mind. Two of my favorites in that shade. Still prefer the darker beers, though.

    At least she's drinking it from a glass big enough to require a handle and a full grip.

  15. I'm tellin' ya - that gal has downed a few beers and brats in her time. . .

    Hmmmm, making me hungry and thirsty.


  16. Meh - saw that Crowley was going to go to the WH. Although I am not sure if I would have the stones to just refuse the drink.

    Maybe like the CBO guy "summoned" to a meeting with 0, Crowley can be respectful but keep his dignity??? And stand firm?? Any chance of that happening, ya think?


  17. I don't care if he drinks his own urine, who cares if he drinks beer or wine? Same for Hillary. It's all so phoney you could throw-up.
    The issue is that both of them are creeps, liars, frauds, & of more importance, INCOMPETENT.

  18. The invite from BHO to have a beer is

    (1) schmoozing

    (2) condescending

  19. The invite for a beer is simply an arrogant bastard's typical way of apologizing without actually having to apologize. All arrogant bastards who think highly of themselves do this. It isn't new. Probably everyone here knows someone who is exactly like that.

    Think carefully. Haven't you ever heard some one say, "It's his (or er) way of apologizing?"

    As for whether Obama drinks beer: Of course he does! But it's probably Malt Liquor and he buys it in 40 ounce bottles.
