
Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Obama Bumper Sticker For Those Who Would Like A Little Bit of Hope and Change


  1. Pastorius,

    Isn't that kind of like saying "I support the troops but I oppose the mission?"

    I guess you could say, I support the president, but I oppose some off his polices, but if you oppose the president's policies in general, why support the president? Unless of course one of his really good policies is so good that it overrides all his bad policy decisions. But I don't feel that way with Obama.

  2. I support the president being swiftly and immediately impeached and exiled before he turns us into Russia circa 1992.

  3. Dillinger737,

    Actually I think Obama's not a very good president, but I don't think he would be able to do that. For one thing, the worst of his policies are already meeting a lot of opposition.

    Not to mention, what are we going to impeach him on? What crime has he committed, and there is no convincing evidence that he was not born in Hawaii, and thus on US soil at this point.

  4. Meaning that he is technically eligible for the presidency, and he is our president right now weather we like it or not.

  5. Damien,
    To me, the point of this bumper sticker is that there are a lot of people out there who voted for Obama, despite the fact that they didn't agree with any of his policies.
