
Monday, August 03, 2009

BNP Once Again Reveal Their True Agenda

From Little Green Footballs:

The head of the British National Party’s legal department, Lee Barnes, thinks he has the terrible secret of LGF all figured out, and it’s spelled “J-E-W-S:” 21st Century British Nationalism: The Strategy of Little Green Footballs and Harrys Place. (Link goes to Google cache, so you won’t get fascist cooties by clicking.)

This is especially for anyone tempted to believe the BNP have reformed, or changed anything about their mouth-breathing xenophobia.

Both Harrys Place, a site where the Jewish Zionist Edmund Standing writes, usually carries pieces on the BNP that are then copied onto the Little Green Footballs site: Revealing that both Harrys Place and Little Green Footballs real concern is empowering Zionism, not Islam.

Both HP AND LGF are Zionist controlled operations - whilst Little Green Footballs is a site for the swivel eyed, foaming at the mouth pro-Zionists and anti-Islam nutters, HP is a centre left site where the Zionism comes disguised with a moderate package.

The product is the same, just with a slightly different flavour to ensure the masses all get the flavour they like.

The 911 trick was to turn anti-Islamism into both anti-Islam sentiment and pro-Israel sentiment.

It worked.

The retarded Republican Right of the US public fell for it hook line and sinker - whilst waving the US flag they led their country into slavery to Zionism, Israel and AIPAC.

That’s not all, by a long shot; Barnes gets really worked up into a froth over Little Green Footballs (gotta love it!), even though he doesn’t seem to know very much about the site and gets his characterizations almost laughably wrong.

HP and LGF are for the ‘non-thinkers’ of the anti-Islam movement. The people that post on the site LGF are the sort of people that think ‘ My country right or wrong’ means ‘My president right or wrong’.

They think that anyone who waves a flag is a patriot - even if that flag is made in China and being controlled by oil companies, the military-indutrial block, Z.

They think that anyone who speaks or preaches about ‘Jeyzus’ is a good guy - even if they are whoring, lieing, theiving son of a bitch.

The problem with most Americans is that they see politics only through the lens of America, and therefore any demagogue who wraps their rhetoric in the flag or who speaks about ‘Jeyzus’ will win them over.

LGF and HP are designed to cater to that market.

LGF appeals to the plastic patriots of America - the idiots who dont understand the difference between patriotism and nationalism.

There’s more, of course. Once a true Neanderthal gets going on the subject of nationalism, it can be hard to shut them up. We’re “accomplices to the crimes of our masters,” etc. He ends up calling for a purge of the inner enemies so that all white people can be free. Good grief.

The traitors like Bush and the 911 Cabalists were only able to complete their plans with the help of websites like LGF and HP.

They are accomplices to the crimes of their masters.

Therefore as the dogs they are, they attack who they are told to attack by their masters. ...

Only when the inner enemies are purged from all our nations will our nations and our people be free.

There are probably less than 100,000 of these inner criminals in both our nations - they are the head of the dragon, and that must be severed if both of our nations are to survive and our peoples be free.

Also see: Harry’s Place » Quick! Someone call the Elders!

But wait, there is more, from Harry's Place:

Here’s what I said in a recent piece for eGov monitor that is causing a lot of fuss in certain quarters:

There are a number of factors involved in the rise of the BNP as an electoral force, and I do not think that a sudden conversion of large numbers of white Britons to hardline racist sentiment is one of them. The question of Islam is one factor. Recently, I have been accused by the usual suspects of not bothering to properly examine the BNP’s anti-Islamic rhetoric because I don’t take anti-Muslim bigotry seriously enough or don’t really care about it. At worst, it has been implied that I am an anti-Muslim bigot myself or, to use the catchphrase, an ‘Islamophobe’.

This approach indicates a complete failure in understanding of the true nature of the BNP’s anti-Islam campaign, and the fact that writers who are supposedly anti-fascist should choose to attack a report aimed at exposing racism is disappointing to say the least. The reality is that Griffin and co don’t really care about Islam. Griffin may be an odious figure, but he’s not a complete idiot, and he knows very well that Britain is not on the verge of turning into an Islamic State.

Following his strategy for making the BNP electable, Griffin has tried to steer the party towards populist issues, picking up on fears and resentment among the electorate in an attempt to use such issues as a Trojan horse for his underlying racist agenda. The truth is that the BNP hates Muslims because they are predominantly brown skinned. In ‘white nationalist’ ideology, everything ultimately boils down to an obsession with race.

Just to clarify for those who seem to think the babbling of Bob Pitt and iENGAGE should have made me change my position, let me reemphasise the fact that I still stand by it. I have written on this topic on a number of occasions so I feel no need to ‘justify’ myself, but for ease of understanding, here’s how I see it:

Imagine you’re a ‘white nationalist’ leader who has spent his entire ‘political’ career in the wilderness. You’ve tried and tried to make white people see the ‘evils’ of ‘race mixing’ and the hidden hand of ‘the Jew’, but have had no success. Finally, you realise that the only way to get any chance of power is to tone down the rhetoric and rebrand yourself as a populist nationalist. In order to shake off the ‘fascist’ label and thereby to hopefully win votes you decide to start using words like ‘freedom’ and ‘democracy’ instead of writing about your love of the SS and talking about using ‘well-directed boots and fists’. In order to appeal to white Britons who are worried about the effects of immigration but who are not ideologically racist, you stop talking about ‘racial purity’ and start talking about ‘identity’ instead.

This doesn’t get you very far and you really need an ‘issue’ around which to campaign. Nothing is forthcoming but then comes 9/11 and then 7/7. You note the rise in hostility towards Muslims and you also notice that on a parallel track a hatred for asylum seekers is becoming more common. Now, you’ve decided that the only way to get power and to ‘ethnically cleanse’ Britain through a process of mass deportation of non-white citizens is to appear more moderate and in touch with ordinary people’s concerns. So, with the rise of anti-Muslim feeling, you decide to jump on the bandwagon.

“But,” your old comrades say, “the Jew is the real enemy, not Muslims.” You try to reassure them that the new tactics are the only way forward and that for now the anti-Semitism needs to go back into the closet. After all, you tell them, “The proper enemy to any political movement isn’t necessarily the most evil and the worst. The proper enemy is the one we can most easily defeat.” You go on to tell these fellow ‘white nationalists’ that “there is a piece of plain realpolitik that those who attack the BNP stance on Islam should also take into account,” which is that:

“They are perilously close to entrenching themselves in political dead ground from which there can be no escape. Instead of working to take advantage of the biggest crisis that the genocidal multi-culti ‘experiment’ has ever faced, they are in danger of turning themselves into a despised, powerless and doomed cartoon caricature - a composite of Tokyo Rose, Lord Haw Haw and Jane Fonda. Truly, they are living examples of the old adage that history repeats itself, first as tragedy, and then as farce.”

You find some success with this approach, and you also note how successful anti-Islam campaigning is turning out for other neo-fascists on the Continent who have had a similar ‘conversion’ to ‘moderation’. For tactical reasons, you bite the bullet and reach out to Jews - “They can’t call me a Nazi then,” you think, “plus, they control the media anyway so I may as well try to please them.” In addition to this, you think, by adopting a superifically pro-Jewish stance you can also make use of the very language that has haunted you all your life - ‘anti-Semite’, ‘Jew hater’, ‘fascist’, ‘Nazi’ - and throw it at Muslims. After all, who could think that you’re the bad guy when you’re sticking up for the Jews and defending Western civilisation against those who would destroy it?

You continue to lead a dual campaign. On the one hand, you appear largely obsessed with Islam and ridding Britain of Muslims, but on the other, you maintain your true racial beliefs. The fact is, you are still ‘wholly opposed to any form of racial integration between British and non-European peoples’. You see Muslims and asylum seekers as easy targets to begin with. With them, you can talk about culture and tax payers’ money being wasted. You don’t have to try to explain your ideologically racist worldview which revolves around beliefs about a well planned conspiracy by ‘international Jewry’ to destroy the white race through immigration and the promotion of race mixing.

Through this strategy you eventually find yourself elected as an MEP. Many white people who are not ideological racists or fascists have bought into your anti-Islam message. Many of these people are unaware of the fact that you want to start by deporting Muslims and then move on to deporting all non-white people from Britain. And lots more of them know about your past but think you’ve changed: “Look at the website, look at the magazines, it’s not about race any more,” they say.

The funny thing is, it’s not just your voters who think that. Even some left-wing and Muslim writers start to believe it, too.





  2. Now, you’ve decided that the only way to get power and to ‘ethnically cleanse’ Britain through a process of mass deportation of non-white citizens is to appear more moderate and in touch with ordinary people’s concerns. So, with the rise of anti-Muslim feeling, you decide to jump on the bandwagon.

    Therein is stated my reservation about trusting the BNP.

    I hate politics.

    And political parties are slimy.

  3. Well, in my opinion, there is no question, there is no doubt the BNP are not to be trusted, because they don't bother to hide their racism. The BNP Charter states the party is for whites.

    The Vlaams Belang on the other hand, attempts to hide it. But, their tradition of allying with the French National Guard and the BNP gives away the lie.

  4. First of all it's the National FRONT, not the National Guard.

    Second of all, you claim that the BNP would likely enact ethnic cleansing and possibly genocide against your family. I'm sure that you'd never make such an absurd, overblown and downright offensive claim like that without proof of the BNP's ethnic cleansing/genocidal agenda. I'd sure like to see that proof...

  5. Well, of course, I don't have proof that that would be their agenda. I only have their word that they speak for a whites-only party. They said it, not me.

    Why have a party for whites only, if whites only is not your agenda?

  6. French National Guard was a typo (brain fart). I know it's the National Front.

  7. No, I wouldn't Jeppo, cuz I don't have the same problem with immigration as you do. But, I hate the Green Party, because I believe that it is a fact that not only

    1) are they Communists in disguise


    2) they are also anti-human luddites, many of them want to see the earth's population dwindle to almost nothing, so that Gaia is once again free.

    I think that is a disgusting kind of fascism.

    You question betrays your apparent ignorance of what the Green Party is truly about.

    And, your being ok with the NOI, and believing that they wouldn't run for office, if they thought they had a chance in hell of winning, also betrays an ignorance which truly surprises me.

    You are an intelligent guy. Why are you so ignorant? Is is willful?

    I mean, seriously, what's going on here?

    For the record, as I've stated before, I oppose Islamofascism, by which I mean any Muslim who believes in strict Sharia and violent Jihad. Because such large percentages of Muslims are believers in that form of Islam, I oppose immigration of Muslims.

    But, I am not against immigration in general.

  8. I said I'm not worried about the NoI, not that I'm OK with them. They're a bunch of extreme low-IQ, wierdo cultists that are too disorganized and dimwitted to pose a serious threat to white people in America, despite their vicious anti-white race hatred.

    As for the Greens, dude, nobody has more contempt for them than me! That's one thing we definitely agree on, the anti-human evil of the enviro-cultist movement. But if they proposed to lower immigration levels by 90% or so, I would vote for them in a heartbeat. *That's* how much the immigration issue means to me, that I would vote for Satan's Green Minions on that single issue alone.

    That's why I support European anti-immigration parties across the board. I don't like the whites-only racialism of the BNP, or the anti-Semitism of the National Front, or the dirigiste statism of both of them. But as long as they take a hard line on immigration I'll continue cheering them on.

    Pasto, I realize that you're not against immigration in general. But I don't see how we can stop Muslim immigration, which we both agree on, without shutting off the flow altogether. If we could discrimate against Muslims specifically while continuing to allow non-Muslim immigration, I'd be cool with that. Alas, discrimination is just about the worst sin in the 21st Century West so we either stop or drastically reduce immigration in general, or continue to import millions of hostile Muslims.
