
Sunday, August 02, 2009

Florida Church Erects "Islam Is Of The Devil" Sign - CAIR Protests

Islam is of the devil. The Church is right. CAIR is wrong.

Truth of the matter is, the members of CAIR know their religion is of the devil, they just don't want to admit it. Look, whether you believe in a literal "Devil" or not, I think we can all agree that a religion which calls for the death of gays, apostates, and adulterers, which has hatred for music and representation art, and which treats women as 50% citizens, is an "Evil" religion.

Therefore, it is of the "Devil".

Fuck Islam.

That's my opinion. 

US church erects anti-Islam sign
By Elham Asaad Buaras

North Central Florida neighborhood is in an uproar over an Islamophobic sign embedded by a local ‘nondenominational’ Church on July 6. 

Officials from the Gainesville based Dove World Outreach Center defended the sign which reads ‘Islam is of the Devil’ saying they hoped it would “expose Islam” and make people “repent” their sins. 

The sign angered both Muslims and non-Muslims alike, many voiced their concern to their local newspaper The Gainesville Sun: “I am very saddened and disappointed to see that a local ‘Christian’ church has erected a sign displaying such hatred. This is precisely the type of behavior that fosters and perpetuates racism, division strereotypes and violence,” wrote Kim Chamberlain. 

Sixteen-year-old Muslim resident Gaby Alim said she feels hurt by the statement, but wants to know why the Dove World Outreach Center posted it. 

“I think it’s all stereotypical about the whole Iraq war. People think all Muslims are like that and we’re not,” said Alim. 

University of Florida Professor David Hackett says that people become very emotional when it comes to religion. “There are tendencies through all religions to think that theirs is the right one and the other ones are wrong,” he said. 

Someone tried to spray paint over the sign, but the Church quickly fixed it. For now, the sign stays and Dr Jones says they plan to add more. 

In a statement to The Muslim News Senior Pastor at the Centre, Dr Terry Jones said the point of the sign is to, “To expose Islam for what it is. It is a violent and oppressive religion that is trying to mascarade itself as a religion of peace, seeking to deceive our society. The truth should never offend us. We should embrace the truth. That is the foundation of our country and that is the only way to true freedom. Islam is a lie based upon lies and deceptions and fear.” 

The city’s code enforcement has been out to look at the sign and say the case is under investigation. According to the Municipal Ordinance 30-317, temporary signs with no commercial message are permitted. 

The row is the latest in a series of Islamophobic incidents in Florida, USA. On July 2 the south Florida chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) called on the FBI to investigate a vandalism at a mosque in that state. 

Vandals smashed two windows of the Islamic School of Miami but the vandalism was only discovered because the windows were in a storage area. Six months ago, the same mosque’s windows were shattered and its golden dome damaged by a hail of gunfire. In 2005, a large rock was used to shatter the door of the mosque. In 2004, the mosque’s sign was defaced with a Nazi swastika. 

In a statement to The Muslim News CAIR National Communications Director, Ibrahim Hooper, said, “We urge state and federal law enforcement authorities to investigate a possible bias motive for this latest attack. We also urge those committed to justice and interfaith tolerance to speak out against this attack.”
the church has a website and a response posted:
Sign stating Islam Is Of the Devil
Why would the Church put up such a sign?
To expose Islam for what it is. It is a violent and oppressive religion that is trying to mascarade itself as a religion of peace, seeking to deceive our society.


  1. "which treats women as 50% citizens" are being kind!

    "The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was to convince the world he didn't exist..."

    Spacey in the "The Unusual Suspects"



  3. Damn, Anonymous beat me to it on the T=shirt line.

  4. I have to wonder if this church will be charged with fomenting hate.

  5. Sorry, revereridesagain, it was the first thing that came to mind. Actually, I'd like to see that slogan on billboards & buses not just on T-shirts.

  6. The question is, will the Islamists manage to pull off another 9/11 level event before so many people in the West have drunk the "Islamophobia" kool-aid that nothing will open their eyes.

  7. Chances are the church will be forced to take the sign down, which is what this country is up against in trying to defend ourselves from infiltration and ultimate takeover. This church obviously knows the whole truth about islam, it shows in their detailed and factual explanation, they have guts too and i forsee them fighting and charges to the end. Good on them. May God keep them safe.

  8. Christine,
    You may be right. The church may be forced to take down the sign.

    However, that would be a violation of the First Amendment.

    The truth is, most churches in America Fundamentalist Evangelical churches in America already believe that Islam is of the Devil. We believe that violence and hatred is born of the Devil, so we believe that anything which promotes violence and hatred is of the Devil.

    The sad thing is that, out of political correctness and "Ecumenicism" most Pastors don't articulate the specific problems with Islam, so their Parishioners don't learn much.

    There is also, of course, another aspect of Christianity which causes Pastors to avoid the subject of Islam. That is that we believe all human beings are the Children of God, and we all can become One in the Blood. So, some Christians believe that specific criticism of another religion will only breed dissension and hatred.

    There is some sense to that.

    In fact, the reason I sound like a Pollyanna in my writings here at IBA is usually simply that I refuse to believe that all Muslims are evil people.

    I take all people as individuals and I try to remember that they are the Children of God.

    I have known good and decent people who identify as Muslims. So, I know they exist.

    This is not only a Christian belief, by the way, it is a logical, rational belief. But, in my case, it is fortified by my Christian principles.

  9. Pastorius your right all mulims are not evil, not even remotely so, but the system of islam is evil and just as in any society a large percentage of people in islam are evil, the difference between our society and muslim dominated societies is oft than not the evil dominate thier societies becuase that is how its designed. and if you step out of line in an islamic society the evil ones are given free riegn to create a blood bath with your corpse. its a system that promotes bloody vigilantism for even the most modest of percieved wrongs.

  10. And lets not forget that Muhammad is considered the uswa hasana (perfect example) by all Muslims.

    This doctrine is what separates Islam from other faiths; stopping any attempts at reform in its tracks and has lead to the continued acceptance of pedophilic marriages etc among many Muslim communities.

    If you don't know what Uswa Hasana is:'an,_Hadith_and_Scholars:Main_Page#Hadith_and_Sunnah'an,_Hadith_and_Scholars:Muhammad

  11. Pastorius,
    I have known good and decent people who identify as Muslims. So, I know they exist.

    Are they good and decent people because of Islam or in spite of Islam?

  12. A friend of mine who is an Egyptian Priest said the following to me the other day (regarding the Infidels vs. the Jihad);

    "WE are winning."

    I asked him why he thought that, and he said because since 9/11 Muslims have been converting to Christianity by the millions in countries all over the ME.

    You may remember, Al Jazeera claimed that Father Zajkariah was responsible for converting 50 million Musllims all by himself.

    According to my friend, these Muslims convert, but they continue going to Mosque for cover. They only discuss their conversion with their very closest confidants.

    He also said thousands of Imams have converted, and yet remain Imams as cover to keep contact with those who they would seek to then convert as well.

    I think my friend is right, and I think this explains why things are going as they are in Iran.

    Remember, Neda was a Christian.

    How did she get to be such? All the Christians fled after the Revolution.

  13. Pasto,
    There is indeed a secret community of Christians throughout the ummah.

  14. Yes, and what do you think of the fact that he said, WE ARE WINNING.

    I don't hear a lot of that around the anti-Jihad community.

    In fact, I am often attacked for saying we are going to win. People seem to believe I am a Pollyanna.

    All I hear from most fellow anti-Jihadists is negative stuff about how bad things are and how they're getting worse and worse.

    If all one does is talk about how things are getting worse, and one never makes proposals on how to make things better, then one is only feeding defeat.

    I'm not saying we should not use the negative stories to warn people. But, the warning should come, at least periodically, with some exhortation, some policy ideas, and some discussion of our history of victory in such circumstances.

  15. Once again, I would go back to the football coach in the locker room at half time in the Super Bowl. Is he going to talk to his team about how shitty they've played for, or is he going to pump them up and give them a vision of victory?

    Now, in the case of my Egyptian friend, he actually believes we are already winning.

    And, you know what, I think he's in a position to know more than any of us. We're not on the ground in the ME. He and his friends are.

  16. I don't practice any particular faith, tho my family is of both Judeo & Christian backgrounds. If I saw this sign posted in front of a congregation in my area, the least I would do is pay a visit , sit a spell and make a point to thank the preacher for making this statement as clear as day. It sure would be nice to be worshipping the one true God with folks unafraid to openly share these uncomfortable truths with family, neighbors, co-workers and friends.

  17. Anonymous,
    I've been blogging since 2004. And, I would have to say your comment is one of my favorites of all time.

    I am in complete agreement with you.

    My church, as much as I like it, will not tell the clear unvarnished truth about Islam, and it drives me friggin' nuts.

    Meanwhile, Christians, Jews, and other "Infidels" are being murdered by Muslims all over the world.

    And, the Christian Church does almost nothing about it.

  18. Good lord, you people are stupid.

  19. And, I suppose you would also approve of this?

  20. Then you must be a fucking Jihadist faggot then, huh? Maybe you should stone yourself to death.

  21. ok i happen to be a muslim. how about ask me what you want and ill answer you, instead of trash talking such a beautiful religion amongst your selfs.

    or don't take my word for it, ill however help you in some real research

    how ever we can't get over the fact that we are all humans and we like to do thing for our own gain, one way is using a religion to carry out our own political aganda. sentences intentionally misread.

    ppl need to get past the hate. your looking at what a few muslims did and directing it at the other 99.9999% of them too. there are good and bad people out there, and while they call them selfs muslim just because they were born into it trust me they are not. there are many things one must do before gaining the status of a muslim.

    one more thing there is a defference between culture and religion. don't ever let the two mix, and learn to identify them both as two defferent things.

