
Saturday, August 01, 2009


Anyone out there remember the hubbub over this little event?

I don't give a fig WHO you are or WHO you are protecting. It is NEVER okay to point a weapon at an unarmed non-threateneing person. NEVER. Things can go badly wrong in a hurry. And you can't recall a bullet.

h/t Christian Soldier for this video:

That is all.


  1. MegaDittos on that. It's a pity to read so many "conservatives" defending the actions and existence of an American Praetorian Guard.

  2. Good on you Midnight Rider-
    That little 'incident' had not come to mind...
    Several others had - though...
    Aiming weapons on non- threatening citizens IS ...
    "..dangerous...and highly unprofessional..."(MR)

  3. Now give the armed guy a break. Who knows what weapons a small child might be hiding in his Teddy Bear?

  4. That morning is seared in my memory, as i was on my way to the house to Elian's house that night but had a family emergency and couldn't make it....woke up early and saw this on the news.

    Days of infamy in our community...

  5. I sense anger in this post, MR.

    My reason for questioning the Gateway post is because it is not clear (from the picture provided) whether or not the Secret Service was really pointing weapons at people.

    We are left to rely on the testimony of one anonymous citizen.

    If the Secret Service was pointing their weapons at the Tea Party protesters then I agree, there is a real problem with that.

    And, it needs to stop.

  6. That was the work of the other Janet. We have a new one, and this Janet has infinitely more power and authority to send in the goon-squad.

    If you know any orphan children that need to be shipped off to a communist country,,,,call the Whitehouse and ask for the Lesbionic Woman.

  7. If you hear of any un-approved Christian groups give Mr. Napolitano a call;

    Janet is twice the man that Reno was.....and she's itching to prove it!

  8. Waco, huh?

    Could someone please explain to me why the citizens who lived in the Waco compound felt they did not have to respect a Federal Search Warrant?

  9. Despite being personally invited by Koresh as early as July 30, 1992 to inspect the Davidians' weapons (eight months before the raid), and refusing, the ATF pursued a strongly confrontational policy. McClennan County Sheriff Harwell was convinced that if ATF had simply called Koresh, he would have shown at the county courthouse with his lawyer, Wayne Martin. Koresh told people that the Ruby Ridge Standoff of 21-31 Aug 1992 convinced him that the reason ATF refused his request was they were planning a raid regardless of what he did. Between July 1992 and Feb 1993, Koresh's sermons became increasingly apocalyptic.

    Davy Aguilera, the ATF agent that had prepared the affidavit, testified later in the trial that a neighbor heard machine-gun fire, but Aguilera failed to tell the magistrate that the same neighbor had previously reported the noise to the local Waco sheriff, who investigated the report. Koresh went to the sheriff and showed him a lawful item called a hellfire device, which allows a semi-automatic firearm to fire at a rate approaching that of fully automatic firearms. The affidavit was approved by a U.S. magistrate and was used as a basis for warrants.[23]

    Alleging that the Davidians had violated federal law, the ATF obtained search and arrest warrants for Koresh and specific followers on weapons charges due to the many firearms they had accumulated. ATF obtained training for the raid from Special Forces at Ft. Hood Texas by making a false claim that David Koresh was operating a meth lab, to provide the drug nexus necessary to obtain military assets under the "War on Drugs".[24] ATF had planned their raid for Monday March 1, 1993, with the code name "Showtime".[25] The ATF would later claim that the raid was moved up a day, to Sunday Feb 28, 1993, in response to the Waco Tribune-Herald "Sinful Messiah" article (which the ATF had tried to prevent from being published).[21] However, the plain text of the search warrant said it expired 28 Feb 1993 10:00pm and the Waco Herald Tribune had held off publishing "Sinful Messiah" at the request of the ATF for a month: when the Herald Tribune informed ATF they were finally publishing the series that weekend, the ATF did not request an extension of the delay or raise any objection to the publication. (Many of the ATF press releases on the Waco Siege were written at HQ and given to the news media without consulting the agents involved in the raid.)

    Although ATF claimed that Koresh stayed inside the compound and could not be served with a warrant, Koresh was regularly seen jogging along the Waco roads and ate at local restaurants every week.

  10. No anger, Pasto, certainly not at anyone here.

    Just stating what my concern is. As I did when you added to my post below. And you and I are in agreement on this.

  11. and up-date on my up-date and ...
    Destiny (Gateway) is not anonymous BTW..I looked for some o her comments and got a video:
    Deatiny's words:
    "Thanks Mark. Glad someone is taking more time to checking this out"

    I will believe a citizen using her real name BEFORE I believe ANYONE in the government....

  12. Michael,
    I think the FBI was, for the most part, correct in the way they handled Waco. I don't buy your argument.

    Oh, that the FBI would be so harsh with Jemaah Islamiyah and serve search warrants and raid their compounds.

    Oh, and by the way, the Jemaah Islamiyah people are regularly seen in the streets of the towns they live in.

    The issue the compounds. What's in them? Why are they there? What is going on inside?

    Those were the issues with the fucking kooky Branch Davidians as well.
