
Thursday, August 06, 2009

My first ever movie!


  1. Avenging Apostate,

    It's pretty cool, but really cartoonish looking.

  2. I'm guessing this technology will just continue to get better and better.

    I love it.

    Thanks, AvApostate.


  3. Thanks. I know its cartoonish looking. Well it is a cartoon. I was thinking that it would be kinda hard to get a serious message across using these "videos".

    However, I just wanted to see what everyone here would think about it. I mean, if we can use this as a tool against the leftist media and Islam, then why not?!

  4. Well, the Left is loony tunes so we can use against them and their policies. Just takes a little creativity.

  5. Hey, that little cartoon guy has the potential to make more sense than the entire Dhimmified West put together.

  6. Love the dance move at the end, "I'm proud to be an infidel." Made me laugh :) And, that line would make a catchy dance/trance song. Make a music video next!

  7. I didn't know we could 'make a movie'..I'm going to ask my off-spring to show me the 'how tos...'

  8. I've always hated these xtranormal videos.

    Stilted and creepy.

    Despite what I'm sure will be good content, they really do suck.

    Wait for better technology I say.

  9. Alright, well I see that some here like it and some don't.

    Here is my case for these videos: Whatever we write on the blog is read by about 1200-1500 people every day. However, videos on youtube for example are seen by millions if put up with the right title.

    I think we can use it somehow to convey our message on youtube or some video hosting website also. Its just a thought. Also, for bloggers like me, they not only don't have to show their faces but also the voice is computerized.

    Case against these videos: Well, they are cartoonish looking and might not be seen as "serious material". It takes a long time to make a "movie" with the right emotions and word delivery and there is usually not a lot you can do to stress on a word or any other emotions in "your" voice.

    I know there are other complications but as Pastorius mentioned, I think this technology will get better and better and before the left or Islam (I doubt they're that creative) makes use of it, why not us?!

    Best part is, which I forgot to mention before, you don't even need to know computer coding. It is the simplest way of making cartoons I have ever seen! Anyone can do it.

  10. I like it! And I think we can use it to make certain points through video.

  11. Avenging Apostate,
    Good thinking. You're right that Pat Condell probably reaches a lot more people on YouTube than someone like Robert Spencer does with all his blogging and books.

  12. William E Miller,

    One problem with waiting for better technology is that the message needs to get out now. Even with new advances in something significantly better might be a least a few years off. Much will be riding on the out come of the next election, for one thing.

  13. I agree wth Damien. I researched more into this thing by the way and they are making it better. I just think we should master it before the other side can make use of it. I am in the process of releasing my first ever video blog. It contains the kind of content I would put in my blogs but rather its through this "cartoon" video. Please let me know what you guys think about it and whether it conveys the message okay or not.

    THanks to all of you so far for your feedback though.
