
Monday, August 03, 2009

OBAMA & PELOSI Begin Campaign to Demonize Private Insurance Industry

Gateway Pundit:

In case you missed it...Barack Obama admitted at a S.E.I.U. forum on health care in March 2007 that his health care plan would eliminate private insurance:

Now, Obama is taking aim at private insurance companies.
The New York Times reported, via Huffington Post:

With Republicans mobilizing against the proposed health care overhaul, President
Obama, Congressional Democrats and leading advocacy groups are laying the groundwork for an August offensive against the insurance industry
as part of a coordinated campaign to sell the public on the need for reform.
Radical Speaker Pelosi outlined her plan to demonize the private insurance industry this past weekend.
Sweetness and Light reported on this Politico report:

Speaker Nancy Pelosi outlined a doubled-edged message for selling health care
reform in August: one part pro-consumer and the second, attacking the health
insurance industry with the same passion she took on George W. Bush’s Social
Security privatization plans four years ago.

The glory days are coming to an end for the health insurance industry in our country,” Pelosi told reporters Friday afternoon.

“This is about inoculating against misrepresentations and educating about what is in the bill,” she said. “We all want bipartisanship... but you’re either with the insurance companies or you’re for something new.” …

“We know what we are going to be up against,” the speaker said. “We have no illusions about what they are willing to do and how much they want to misrepresent.”

“Health Insurance Reform To Hold Insurance Companies Accountable” is the title of pocket cards issued to Democratic members going home for the recess…
But, please don't call them socialists.
And, please don't refer to their plan as government run health care.
Thank you.

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