
Friday, August 28, 2009

Psyching Up The Hopey Changers For Failure

But failure is success!

From "If Obama Fails, It's Not His Fault" at Right Klik:
It looks like the Demokrat MSM are preparing for what might be the inevitable failure of their Messiah's health care plan. Some amazing damage control memes are beginning to emerge:

1. Failure is good!


2. Obama's failure is really a failure of the national press corps, the left wing and the Demokratic party.


3. Obama is bogged down because he has been working so hard to accommodate Republicans.


4. Obama is failing because he's too nice.
To support those four points, Right Klik cites various sources....Read the rest at Always On Watch.


  1. obama failing because his "change" is radical beyond belief?

    americans are not a radical socialist people and dont want radical statist take overs of their lives businesses and freedoms?

    oh no must be that the "one" is too nice....

  2. Obama is failing because he is too nice?

    Ask Kenneth Gladney about that one.

    The White House itself was involved in calling out the SEIU thugs who beat up Gladney.

  3. AOW,
    If you haven't already done so, you should also post this at Astute Bloggers.
