
Thursday, August 06, 2009

Unfortunately, it was compulsory, and probably saved MILLIONS

enola gay B29 bomber[2].jpg In 1945, after the fearful tolls on Iwo Jima and Okinawa, after the the kamikazes from the Philippines to the seas off Japan, preparations under way for Operations Coronet and Olympic, the invasion of Japan, estimated 250,000 to 500,000 American deaths, and up to 4 million Japanese.

Even after the bomb was dropped 64 years ago today, and then on Nagasaki a nearly successful coup almost undid Emperor Hirohito's recognition of reality.

So thank you Harry Truman and Paul Tibbetts and men who did what history and destiny demanded to save Americans to return home, and in doing so made unnecessary the 4 million spears the Imperial Japanese Army had prepared for it's citizens to use on the foreign barbarians preparing to invade Japan.


  1. Like so many others, I probably grew up with a father thanks to Truman and Tibbetts having the resolution to do what had to be done. The Left will spend today spouting revisionist lies and braying about America's "evil". These are the same people who have no problem with the nukes in NorK and Iran.

  2. Bill Whittle, Afterburner addresses Jon Stewart, War Criminals & The True Story of the Atomic Bombs

    This video addresses this subject as thoroughly and concisely as possible.

    Last year, my teen faced off the most liberal social studies instructor we've encountered yet. Presenting insideous apologetics, and the false concept that the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs were unnecessary - worthy of characterization of 'war crimes' - this instructor got an earful with this video. The current state of 'social studies' instruction is nothing short of embarassing.
    Thank you Bill Whittle.

  3. Yes, that Bill Whittle video is a good trip to the woodshed for anyone who would call the bombings war crimes.
