
Saturday, August 01, 2009

US Consulate in Jerusalem website assumes Jerusalem is Palestinian, says nothing about Israel

From Jihad Watch:


Dhimmitude from the State Department. I couldn't believe it when I saw it, but it's true: the US Jerusalem Consulate website seems to assume that Jerusalem is Palestinian territory. Israel? What's that? Pamela over at Atlas Shrugs points out that the Consulate site says nothing about Israel at all. See Atlas for details, and check it out for yourself.


  1. outrageous...i saw this too, what a joke, on top of the fact we have not move our embassy to Jerusalem proper, recognizing it as the historical, cultural and legal capital of the great state of Israel

  2. The US Embassy in Tel Aviv deliberately tries to discourage Israelis from obtaining visas. Embassy staff make applicants queue up outdoors in the blazing heat, where they can wait for up to three days before entering the building, just to be grilled and discouraged some more.

    The Jerusalem Consulate (Or "Al Quds" Consulate, as the sign in Arabic says..) treat their Pal applicant much better.

  3. "An appeaser(Nobama)is one who feeds the crocodile hoping it will eat him last." W. CHURCHILL
