
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

It's Getting Weirder Than Even I Like Out There. . .

Unfortunately I don't have a lot of time to get into this right now. I saw it earlier at Dr Bulldog, left a comment and waited for it to percolate a bit.

I'm posting it now -- including some of the comments -- so you all can make of it what you will, or enlighten any us if you have more info.

I was able to get on The American Police Force site for a bit and it's creepy.

Also, I found this for what it's worth

everything below from Dr Bulldog:

Hardin, Montana is “Test Town” For Our Dark Overlord’s New Police Force?

This is disturbing… I don’t know quite what to make of it and am still researching it—as I have been doing all morning long. It seems that the American Police Force is in Hardin, Montana, but what is going on there is a matter of speculation. It certainly has that feel of a government operation using a private entity for cover to get around that pesky “Posse Comitatus” problem. But, like I said, it is a matter of speculation. It should be pointed out that Hardin, Montana has requested Gitmo terrorists be housed in their unused prison:

H/T – Gramfan

UPDATE: The American Police Force’s website keeps going down and coming back up. Lots of traffic, probably. CLICK HERE to check them out. Don’t get discouraged if it doesn’t immediately load up, just keep trying.

The thing that peaked my interest is that they are based in Washington, D.C. and seem to be a recent creation, as there is no evidence of them on which usually updates every six months or so with the new websites.

UPDATE 2: And, check out their logo:

In history, the double headed eagle with a crown is most often associated with the Roman Empire. But, where it REALLY gets interesting is in modern day usage:

That is the Russian Imperial Eagle!!!!

Yup! The double-headed eagle with a crown is one of Russia’s most prominent and recognized symbols!

Continuing on with my analysis of the APF’s coat of arms, the “fleur de lis” (when used by the U.S. Army) represents “Martial Power and Strength.”

I’m thinking “Martial Law” here…

Yes, it sounds like a tin-foil hat thing, but having served in the USAF, I can assure you that EVERY little detail on a squadron emblem has an important and symbolic reason for being there!

Anyone out there want to take a crack at the symbolism associated with the coat-of-arms on the chest of the eagle? I’m thinking something along the lines of the “Four Corners” of the Earth, as APF claims to operate internationally.

UPDATE 3: The Coat of Arms for APF is STOLEN from Serbia!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is the Serbian Coat of Arms:

EXACTLY the same!!!

Something tells me the APF is either a hoax (which I doubt), a spin-off of Blackwater (more than likely), or a newly created government black ops outfit (perhaps).

UPDATE 4: Velvet Hammer had clued me in to the addresses associated with APF. Her post is HERE and she seems to be ahead of me on this story. However, not to be completely outdone by the lovely Velvet Hammer, I discovered that plugging in the address for APF’s office in Santa Ana, CA, and doing a street view of it on Google, gives you this interesting tidbit:

Several of the listings on the sign are digitally blurred! Gee, why would that be? And, more importantly, WHO has the power to do that? Near as I can figure, only the U.S. Government and Google can do that…

Here’s how to access the google map street view:

Click the following link:,+Santa+Ana,+Orange,+California+92701&ie=UTF8&oi=georefine&ct=clnk&cd=2&geocode=FQcgAwId9q_5-A&split=0

Once there, click on the “Santa Ana“Street View” link, and when that comes up, click on the right arrow to look right. That will point you at building 1202 (Soriol Legal Center, LLC). Then, Zoom into the signs in front of the legal center and you will notice that several listings are blurred.

I hope my directions are clear enough for everyone to follow.

From an email found HERE.

” . . .We have found out that our little town of Hardin is the ‘test town’ for President Obama’s new law to privatize the police force of local communities. Last night, the city council voted to disband our sheriff’s department and to bring in a private security company to police the town. . .

. . .Yesterday, a convoy of twelve ‘blacked out’ Mercedes Benz SUV’s were brought into town. They were already painted with Hardin’s colors and ‘Hardin Police Force’ was already painted on them! Hardin’s sheriff’s department will no longer be in operation after the month of October. During October, the Sheriff’s Department is to train this new security force in all the logistics of running the town of Hardin. . .

. . .Earlier this month, in an interview in regards to this Hardin prison and the training center that they are planning to build, we were told that seventy five percent of the security officers that were to be trained would be ‘international’. . .

This private security force is already patrolling the town. They had several people stopped yesterday. Also, it appears that they are building some type of heavy duty gate at the entrances of our town.

In an interview, the American Police Force security has stated that they will stay here one month to assess the population and then they will make their permanent base here. They said they are scouting out thirty towns in the U.S. but that Hardin is the first. Also, President Obama has authorized and signed a bill for full government funding of the privatization of the police departments throughout the U.S. By the end of October, it is their plan to have all major cities locked down!


CLICK HERE to continue reading

from Comments:

Mullah Lodabullah Says: 30 September, 2009 at 11:56 am

Their attorney, Maziar Mafi, might be as interesting to connect the dots with as the APF …
… An attorney for American Police Force, Maziar Mafi, describes the Santa Ana, Calif., company as a fledgling spin-off of a major security firm founded in 1984. But Mafi declined to name the parent firm or provide details on how the company will finance its jail operations. “It will gradually be more clear as things go along,” said Mafi, a personal injury and medical malpractice lawyer in Santa Ana who was only hired by American Police Force a month ago. “The nature of this entity is private security, and for security purposes, as well as for the interest of their clientele, that’s why they prefer not to be upfront.” …

12/22/99Maziar Mafi’s files petition on behalf of Iranian soccer players
President and vice-presidentThe White HouseWashington DC 20500e mail:
… …
Re: Friendship game between Iran and U.S. soccer teams

Madam Secretary Albright:

The purpose of this letter is to respectfully request the issuance of a Waiver for the Iranian National Soccer team, of the finger printing process presently employed by the State and Justice Departments upon arrival in the United States. As you may be aware the Iranian National Soccer team has been invited by the U.S. Soccer Federation to play a symbolic match with the U.S. soccer team in January of 2000. These players are known internationally. They have participated in several matches worldwide. They have never committed any acts of violence or terrorism. In fact they were given recognition by the organizers of the event, for their civility and mannerism in the 1998 World Cup in France.

As the first Iranian-American Candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives and as I campaign throughout the State of California, the over whelming concern that I hear from Iranian-Americans is the mannerism by which they are treated when they are returning to the United States. Americans of Iranian descent upon return to their Country are being detained, finger printed, otherwise harassed, their luggage searched and humiliated as though they were common criminals. Many have witnessed their mothers and grandmothers terrified and shaken up when detained at U.S. airports and treated as terrorists.

The Untied States, primarily based on the leadership of President Clinton has recently expressed an interest in engaging the government of Iran toward a policy of reconciliation between the two nations. This new policy has called for and has encouraged many social and sporting engagements.

Yet recently, six Iranian scholars who had been invited to a conference at Georgetown University in Washington canceled their participation, stating they were harassed and humiliated by immigration officials upon arriving at Kennedy International Airport. The organizers of the event, the director of the Center of Muslim-Christian Understanding at the university, said the Iranians described being finger printed and then ridiculed by officials who detained them at the airport for several hours.
… …
Maziar MafiDemocratic Candidate for the U.S. Congress, 47th Dist.
Mozhgan Mojabpresident World Political Action Committee

Mullah Lodabullah Says: 30 September, 2009 at 11:59 am

Worth searching on Mozhgan Mojab also

velvethammer Says: 30 September, 2009 at 12:00 pm
This is an interesting tidbit a friend tipped me off to.American Police Force’s virtual address:
Washington DC: 1701 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Suite 300

Is the SAME address as the:

Uyghur American Association (UAA)1701 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 300 Washington, DC 20006What do you all think?

doctorbulldog Says: 30 September, 2009 at 1:11 pm

That address holds “virtual offices.” I.E. – They exist on paper only.
Check out the following article from the AP:

tgusa Says: 30 September, 2009 at 12:24 pm

Santa Ana, I wonder if he is friends with Adam Gadahn. UCI and its islamist problem is not far from there either. The muslims attach themselves to immigrant communities, that’s what is happening up there. One unfortunate thing is the demographics of the north county have changed. First with the Vietnamese boat people/refugees in the 70’s and 80’s and then in the 90’s with the riots. those gun toting Koreans you saw left LA County after that, my concern is that they have brought the same bad habits (sociopolitical) along with them.

We have a lot of Iranians here too, back during the hostage crisis there was really only one place where they might get an earful or the finger as a car drove past their gas station or 7-11, here. When ever tensions rise between us and the muslims no matter where it might be in the world the local media (LA) begin the same routine of ginning up fear regarding the big meanies all over the place here.

The citizens here know what’s going on and so do the Sheriffs.

I have noticed that the muslims like the security business. Wonder why…not! Muslim cabbies, I told you all a long time ago that they are scouts, no they are not driving humvees (yet) and they have to pretend to work, but still, a little bit at a time and finally a giant attack. I bet they are also into trucking in the Midwest and boating on the great lakes and probably the Mississippi as well.

velvethammer Says: 30 September, 2009 at 12:42 pm

American Police Force (APF) offers the world’s finest products and services to the military, police, and security professionals. We present to you our comprehensive product category list:
Weapons & Equipment Sales – INTL ONLY

Nuclear/Biological/Chemical (WMD).

My question is, can just anyone sell WMD’s internationally???

tgusa Says: 30 September, 2009 at 12:57 pm
Raccoon City.

doctorbulldog Says: 30 September, 2009 at 1:16 pm
Yes! Excellent analogy!
Uhm… I guess we should clue in the non-gamers out there:


  1. Shirley Adams is the wife of Ron Adams, the mayor of Hardin, Montana, and answered questions for this article about the privatizing of the Hardin police. Shirley said that no such thing had occurred and that the Big Horn County Sheriff Lawrence “Pete” Big Hair and his deputies are still patrolling their city of about 3,500 residents, a town about 45 miles southeast of Billings.

    Also consider "Michigan State Police."


    That may clear up my reference to MSP.

    I'm actually thinking Luther Blisset may be to blame for this.

  3. sounded nutty to me.

    especially when I tracked back and read the whole "letter" and it said the so-called new police went to a local business man who owns guns and told him they new all of the guns he owned and they would need to put some kind of mysterious marking device on them.

    thats when I mentally called bullshit.

    I dont like obama one bit he's an internal bully and an external apeaser. he hurts our friends and and is weak on our enemies.

    but fomenting hysteria is not helpful and that letter foments hysteria.

  4. Yeah, I wasn't sure what to make of it and neither was Doc. They have a heck of a discussion going on over there right now. Please also see MY first link near the top of the post to a site that debunks this as well.

    Bee that as it may this American Police Force is a real group, though not official L.E. At some point you might be able to get onto their website.

    Rumcrook -- you've read enough from me to know I'm not one to jump straight to ODS. I put this up because I thought you all might like a crack at it.

  5. 'me thinketh that thou art not far off the mark -MR"

    trust not the government - my friends....

  6. Mandatory H1N1 shots? What, again? Sounds like it's Conspiracy Theory time again...

    Apparently the APF exists and they did come to Hardin with the 12 black Mercedes SUVs and they won't talk about their parent company and oh yeah, besides international police work they will also check up on what's the deal with yer cheatin' heart ol' lady for ya.

    One of the commenters over at Malkin says s/he spoke directly with the Montana Lt. Gov's office and the Hardin Sheriff's office and they say this is a private facility for overflow from other prisons. Says this is not unusual. APF has not and will not take over the sheriff's dept.

    Checking on how this matches up with other situations where private contractor prisons have been set up could clear up a lot of the confusion.

  7. "One of the commenters over at Malkin says s/he spoke directly with the Montana Lt. Gov's office and the Hardin Sheriff's office and they say this is a private facility for overflow from other prisons. Says this is not unusual. APF has not and will not take over the sheriff's dept."

    ok that sounds like the kernal of truth

  8. Earlier story about the APF spokesperson on LOCAL MONTANA TV HERE

    Billings Gazette article on Hardin Jail HERE

    Article from TPM (liberal to progressive blog) on this HERE

    Article on mystery police from local TV HERE

    Sounds like APF might be a bunch of goons but otherwise it's all MOSTLY normal confusion.

    STAY CALM, make NO assumptions, require proof

  9. BTW I am recruiting members for the Eddington Marine Corps ... our mission?

    To enforce our will on our wives at least once a day (chicken instead of haddock?), I think that will prove we can accomplish anything.

  10. I'm with Rumcrook and Epa on this one:

    STAY CALM, make NO assumptions, require proof
