
Friday, September 25, 2009

Tick Tock Tick Tock Tick Tock

Christine has it right. Without ak47's taking people out and suicide bombers blowing up our children, too many people refuse to believe it.

And I believe it's going to come to that.

Sooner rather than later.

And while I hold with W.C. that we are repeating the 30's I also believe we are repeating the 30's going into 1914.

Because when this war finally splits wide open, it is going to change the face and nature and horror of war, the way the First World War changed it. It went from cavalry attacks to gas attacks, armed men charging you to armor charging you.

Sooner or later one will surely slip through. What of Zazi's cohorts? Have they now gone deep underground to wait until things cool off? Or are they maybe ratcheting it up to pull off the attack(s) before they, too, are taken out of the game?

When -- not if -- when this next attack comes it will change everything the way 9/11 SHOULD have. But it will be exponentially worse eight years later.

No muslim will be safe. Nor will any American. It will be fighting and retribution on the streets of America. Neighbor on neighbor. From small arms fire to protect your neighborhood to homicide bombers at the local mall. Nationwide. Day after bloody day.

9/11 style fighting and killing at World War I ferocity and carnage. A complete shift in the way we perceive and fight war. And, deep in our subconscious many know it, which may be driving the guns and ammo sales.

And what will the President do? Apologize for our rude behaviour? Send in the troops to quell the fighting? Have American troops fire on Americans? Round up the jihadis (hell, he can't even get that right now).

But the longer it takes America to wake up to the threat, the worse it will be when it finally strikes.
Because, with the notable and venerable exception of our combat veterans, Americans do not truly know or understand war and warfare.
And they are going to have to quickly overcome their want of peace and learn to ruthlessly
or be killed.
So right now I'm headed to the gun club for a bit.
Need some practice with a Springfield 1911 and Springfield '03.
That '03 is the biggest gun in my neighborhood. . .

from The Last Crusade h/t Michael Travis:

Religion of Peace Causing New Jitters

Massive Terror Plots Revealed throughout Country

Armageddon Looms


The complacency has been shattered.

Americans now remain fearful that an attack by al Qaeda or another cancerous growth from the religion of peace will occur in the immediate future as multiple terror plots have been uncovered in cities throughout the country.

So reports national news outlets, including NBC and the Associated Press.

Federal officials have not said whether the cases are related, but they come during a week in which the federal Department of Homeland Security issued a bulletin to police departments around the country warning that terrorists are seeking to blow up sports stadiums, entertainment complexes and hotels. Authorities said no particular plot prompted the bulletin, citing only al-Qaeda’s longstanding desire to kill Americans in mass attacks.

In the meantime, seemingly unrelated cases around the nation have grabbed headlines:

In New York, federal officials have indicted a suspected leader of an al Qaeda terror cell with ties to Queens and Denver. Authorities say Najibullah Zazi had instructions and ingredients for making weapons of mass destruction and had been trained by al Qaeda officials in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

In Dallas, the FBI arrested Hosam Maher Husein Smadi, a Jordanian, who allegedly tried to blow up a downtown office tower after vowing to wage violent jihad against the American people. The bomb, as it turns out, was a fake that had been supplied by undercover agent.

In Chicago, “Talib Islam,” a 29-year-old jihadi, parked a van full of what he thought were bombs in front of a federal building and tried to detonate it. As with the Dallas case, the bombs were duds that had been supplied by undercover agents as part of a sting operation.

In Philadelphia, transit officials saw two unidentified men snapping photographs of a subway line. The men fled after being questioned by workers. Police don’t know if the separate incidents have anything to do with terrorism, but are looking for the men to interview them.


  1. MR - Been spending the last few weeks or so deep into Communist materials. From the originals (the Manifesto) to the modern (Alinsky (and HRC's thesis on him) and some Fourth Internationale and Trotskyite stuff).

    Such a scenario fits exactly with the aspirations of those whose materials I have been reading.

    This is just the culmination of about seventy-five years of ground work.

    As a commenter said on another site, all the issues that leftists throw out to get everyone's attention (those that flow from "Critical Theory" - check Whittle's discussion of that), are just red herrings. Red herrings all the way down.

    We have been too easily distracted.


  2. When the diplomacy fails on Iran, and Israel is forced to attack, or when Iran tests a weapon and then Israel attacks, it will INEVITABLY escalate to 1914. Russia may not be able to stay out. China will supply the other side and be 'neutral' as all the west slides into war with Islam for the lifeblood of oil. A war in which only THIS NATION has the offensive ability to carry out.

    Neither this leader or his predecessor would or could lead to this event. Therefore the american voters are totally unprepared for what will follow.

    Attacks on our men there, on us here, our interest worldwide. Use of WMD.

    We are not prepared to fight or do what it takes to win such a war, right now.

    I cannot see this president possessing anything but the oratory skills needed for this kind of effort, or the stomach for the kinds of things Lincoln or FDR and HST countenanced.

    You are right MR.
    It's the 30's with 1914 at the end

  3. I've said this before, but if you have a copy of Phares' "Future Jihad" go check out chapter 13 where he speculates about how a 9/11 attack would have gone in 2008 if OBL had not pulled off the 2001 event. It's all there. However, even he missed the possibility of a US administration not merely incompetent but complicit.

    Things behave according to their natures. Judging by his background and actions to date, President Barack Hussein Obama's nature is Socialist, Marxist, Alynskite, Black Nationalist/Liberation Theology, more than a little Islamic and less than fully devoted to the welfare of all the citizens and preservation of the Constitution of the United States of America.

    One of the few wild cards is Barry H. O's status as a "lapsed" Muslim. Remember, if he repents and "reverts" to Islam, he no longer has to worry about pissed-off mullahs putting death fatwas on his sorry ass.

    I mean, if you're going to be paranoid, might as well go all the way...

  4. This has been a gut feeling of mine for awhile and Mumbai made it even clearer. To add to this dire scenario is the possible collapse of the federal government.

    What I mean by that is it's total ineffectiveness. Obama will be completely lost. He also said that if "the political winds turn ugly I will side with the Muslims". That will be interesting.

    That being said this Country will have a purging of the filth that's infected us for almost 100 years.

    But what a price we'll pay for it!

    God help us.

  5. What "filth" are you talking about?

    By the way, is your name, by any chance, Travis Bickle?


  6. Here you go:

    Watch that clip from the 5:45 mark.

  7. I think it is us "bitter clingers" who will be purged. I guess we are filth to some. . .

  8. The filth I was referring to was the progressives who brought this upon us with their destructive ideology.

    How the hell you all came up with the idea I meant "bitter clingers" after I just ripped Obama and I said the filth we've been struggling for about 100 years is ridiculous.

    Travis Bickle, smart asses. LOL!
    I was going with a poll that said the term progressive is becoming a dirty word.

    I despise the progressive ideology and its done incredible damage to our country.

    Is that clear enough?

  9. Anonymous,

    You said: Travis Bickle, smart asses. LOL!
    I was going with a poll that said the term progressive is becoming a dirty word.

    I despise the progressive ideology and its done incredible damage to our country.

    Is that clear enough?

    I say: Yes, thank you for clearing it up. I'm with you on the "Progressive" movement. It's just a fancy word for Communism, or Serfdom, as Hayek said.

    About the Travis Bickle remark, you have to understand we have quite a history of racists coming here and attempting to highjack our agenda. We hate Jihadists, and they think that means we hate dark-skinned people just like them.

    Whenever I hear people use words like "filth" or "scum" or "cancers", I wonder what it's about.

  10. You have a point. I should have been more specific. In the future I will use the term progressives.

    Keep up the good work. This site is very informative.

  11. Thanks for understanding. Sorry I was rude.
