
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

"Christmas at the White House: An Oprah Primetime Special"

You gotta be fucking kidding me.

No, they're not fucking kidding me.


  1. Please tell me that the Nativity isn't moved to Kenya.......

  2. Call me crazy, but I think this kind of bullshit is not going to help Oprah much. In fact, I think it will damage her.

  3. Not too surprised. Oprah doesn't seem to have a lot of perspective where Obama is concerned. She probably is very excited to be hanging at the White House. No matter his policies or that he is trying to destroy this great nation and our constitution.

  4. Gone are the heady days when America was in love with the Obama's. In general Americans are sick of him and do not much trust him. The last thing we want is to see him on Christmas.

    Oprah is being a fool.

  5. Hannityinaskirt,
    Yeah, this guy is a celebrity and that is about it.

    I wonder what Jean Baudrillard thinks of Obama?

    Anyway, Obama shows us more what an idiot he is every day. He is so tone deaf it is like standing next to Harry Carey singing the Star Spangled Banner while on a major bender

  6. It's simply time we all get the picture here ..

    The new paradigm and way of living... "the campaign NEVER stops, stupid"


  7. The campaign never stops even though people are absolutely god damned sick of it.
