
Monday, November 30, 2009

I Must Be Racist

- I think if its okay to crack jokes about white people then it should be okay to crack jokes about black people as well

- I don't think all Muslims are the same race

- I think its okay to criticize Islam and I also think Islam is not a race

- I don't think there is anything wrong with calling people of African descent "black" just like there is nothing wrong with calling Caucasian people "white"

- I think the non-white population of the world should get over the past and stop blaming the white population for all their problems.

- I think non-whites are racist when they have negative generalizations about white people

I believe all that, I must be racist!

Please help me understand how racist I am by mentioning more facts like that.


  1. Silence you racist bastard! Silence or I keel you!

  2. AA-my ??s-
    who'wins' by perpetuating the division of the races (and "victimizing" 'certain' ones)?

    Who gains to make $$$ and gain power by the perpetuation of racism?
    I've got partial answers to both questions....
    More and more answers keep coming....
    Good post....

  3. Culturist?

    "- I think the non-white population of the world should get over the past and stop blaming the white population for all their problems."

    This one assumes that the West has not been a total boon to the poorer peoples of the world. Instead of getting over the past, you might want to insist that the "Third world people of the world should thank the West for the moral, political, and technological gifts it has given the world."

  4. I'm a racist because I believe people ought to be judged by the content of their character and not the color of their skin.

  5. Culturist John,

    I think that point was put by me a little vaguely. What I was referring to was the Muslims saying "Oh how great we used to be...." that's the past that they need to get over. It was sort of a sarcastic comment anyway.

    I agree with you comment though. If it wasn't for the West (and the Israelis), for example, I wouldn't be using this computer to communicate with people the world over. ;-)

  6. CS,

    I think answers to those questions are pretty apparent, especially today. However, my question would be, "how many people are actually willing to accept the answer?" Where those things help the political parties or messed up religious ideologies, at one point or another, they help individuals also--those that find peace in blaming others for their failures, for example.
