
Sunday, January 31, 2010

Ex-Black Liberation Anarchist Is Arrested On Amtrak After Passengers Report Him Talking About Al Qaeda and Terrorism...


From Weasel Zippers:

A recently released New Jersey prisoner was yanked off an Amtrak train in Colorado after fellow passengers heard him mention Al Qaeda and make threatening comments, authorities said.

Ojore Nuru Lutalo, 64, was free on $30,000 bond Friday after his arrest earlier this week at a Colorado train station.

The Elizabeth, N.J., man was traveling to Chicago after reportedly attending the Los Angeles Anarchist Book Fair last weekend.

Passengers riding with him Tuesday heard Lutalo speaking on his cell phone, declaring he hadn't killed anyone yet and demanding cooperation from a purported cohort.

"We have to work in small groups," he was quoted as saying in an affidavit. "They can hold you for 18 months. Do they have security on these trains? Are you with me or not?"

Lutalo later mentioned Al Qaeda before saying "17th century tactics won't work. We have 21st century tactics."

The train conductor said Lutalo was covered in a tan blanket during the trip, raising concerns since Amtrak personnel couldn't see what he was doing.


  1. A black Marxist, "anarchist"? Isn't that the obvious here?

  2. "Ex?" Are we to assume he has, as they say, "reverted"?

  3. He seems to have reverted.

    And Anonymous, I agree. He would make an excellent Czar in Obama's unapproved Cabinet.

  4. By reading some posts on "anarchist" websites, it's not surprising they'd probably encourage this behavior.

    Just look at as an example.
