
Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Ahmadinejad Predicts the 'End of American Civilization'

From the Digital Journal:
In Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's most recent televised speech on Iran State TV, the Iranian President upped the ante on his promised February 11 "telling blow against global arrogance" with his prediction of the "end of American civilization."
“This means the end of a civilization, the end of a thought, and the end of a system." That is how Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad qualified his statement regarding the "end of American civilization" that he referred to in his most recent televised speech in homage to the 'Ten Day Dawn' anniversary of the 1979 Islamic Revolution. Events will culminate on February 11th with "a telling blow against global arrogance," according to the Iranian President's previous speech marking the opening of ceremonies for the anniversary. During this most recent speech, Ahmadinejad claimed that the West, the United States in particular, had been the biggest historical impediment to the worldwide Islamic Revolution:
“The arrogant and hegemonic powers, which mankind experienced in the past 300 years – and past 60 years in particular – have been the biggest historical impediment in the face of fulfillment of this goal (worldwide Islamic revolution),” he said, according to the BBC.
Ahmadinejad went on to declare that the “materialistic and hegemonic (American) system” was dead, and that slogans about freedom, human rights and democracy had misled the world, further declaring that America "has no thoughts or means other than the use of arms to prove themselves." As with his cryptic allusion to the 'telling blow' on February 11, the Iranian president provided no specifics on what would bring about America's end and focused more on polemics, perhaps to rally his domestic Islamist audience. Calls of "Death to America" and the burning of US flags have been political staples in Iran for thirty years.
Commmenter Chuck Pelto believes Ahmadinejad may intend to destroy America by landing a nuclear device in one of our harbors, and firing it on a missile to detonate somewhere above the center of America.

The resulting Electro-Magnetic Pulse would completely destroy all non-hardened electronics across the Continental United States, according to many theorists. This would, obviously, destroy American Culture, and leave the average citizen to fend for himself in a land in shambles and chaos.

Here's an article on the prospect of an EMP attack on the United States from the Heritage Foundation.

Have a nice day.


  1. Quote: "Ahmadinejad went on to declare that the “materialistic and hegemonic (American) system” was dead, and that slogans about freedom, human rights and democracy had misled the world, further declaring that America "has no thoughts or means other than the use of arms to prove themselves."

    If this were true, then the USA wouldn't pose the threat Ajad insists he needs to immediately address, right?

  2. I believe he is speaking in what is known as "the Prophetic Perfect" tense.

    This means he is speaking of future events as if they have already happened.

  3. I also predict the end of American civilization.

    Unfortunately for him it will be one day long after we all piss on their graves and my jewess wife dances on them in a red dress.

  4. A little bit of preparation and all my infidel friends will make it through just fine.

  5. Oh, and do try be ready a few days in advance of jad's deadline (and on through Valentine's day as well Unless Sam Wise sticks him first ;-)
