
Tuesday, February 02, 2010

From Himmler with Love: "His Eminence, the Grand Mufti, In Remembrance"

From Atlas Shrugs:

Palestinian leader meets Hitler, and they agree on their common enemy: The Jews.

Hitler: We're natural allies - we have the same enemy, namely the Jews. When we win, the Mufti will be Fuehrer of Muslims.


The photo is inscribed by Himmler:
"To his eminence the Grand Mufti, 4 VII 1943, in remembrance H Himmler"
Seiner Eminenz dem Grossmufti 4 VII 1943 zur erinnerung H Himmler

It is almost impossible to believe that after the genocide of over six million Jews, the political committee of the General Assembly met (without a dissenting vote) to invite the Arav Higher Committee to testify before it on the Palestine [actually Israel] question.

"Moreover, a special sitting of the General Assembly, was convened under pressure of the Arab states, in order to issue the invitation in a form which would invest the Arab Higher Committee with the same diplomatic status as the Jewish Agency for Palestine, the internationally recognized representative of the Jewish people.: [source;[1] THE ARAB HIGHER COMMITTEE ITS ORIGINS, PERSONNEL AND PURPOSES: The Documentary Record submitted to the United Nations May 1947. NY: Nation Associates, 1947}

It is hard to believe that the rag we know of today, "The Nation," was fierce in its pursuit of the truth and assembling an incredible document - an extraordinary collection of documents and photos showing collusion of the Arab League with the fascist governments and Nazis during the War, background of the Mufti's aides, documents in Arabic, French and German are translated. Includes for instance Hitler's pledge to the Mufti for help in Iraq revolt of 1941, other material on Iraq, Italians pledge to abolish Jewish National Home, letters from Mufti to discourage Jewish emigration from Germany. Mufti was head of the Arab Higher Committee. This document is a real indictment of the Arab Committee and the Mufti for abetting the destruction of European Jewry during the Shoah.

The head of the Arab Higher Committee was the Mufti Haj Haj Amin el-Husseini, a brutal jihadi responsible for repeated massacres of the Jews prior to the Holocaust.

The Arab Higher Committee of Palestine is a creature of the Arab League comprising Egypt, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Transjordan, Saudi Arabia and Yemen. The head of the Arab Higher Committee is the ex-Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin el-Husseini, a full partner of the Axis before and during World War II, an escaped prisoner of war who has found asylum in the Palace of the King of Egypt.

The Arab Higher Committee, representing the six Arab parties of Palestine, came into existence in 1936. A year later it was established that the Mufti and his associates in the Arab Higher Committee were responsible for the 1936 riots which took a toll of hundreds of British, Jewish, and Arab lives. Accordingly, the Palestine government in 1937 declared the committee illegal and ordered it disbanded. Some of its members were arrested and sent to Seychelles. Others, including its chairman, the Mufti of Jerusalem, escaped to Syria whence they continued to direct Arab operations. During his exile in Syria, the Mufti even succeeded in liquidating most of the Arab leaders of Palestine who opposed him and his policies.

Until 1943, the Arab Higher Committee had no formal existence. The Mufti, in the interval, had moved from Syria to Iraq where he organized the revolt against the British in 1941. When that failed, he fled to Germany and there played his role as Axis ally in the war against the United Nations.

In 1943, a number of prominent Palestinian Arabs made an effort to establish an Arab Higher Committee but were prevented from achieving their purpose by followers of the Mufti who had remained in Palestine during the war and who feared that, in the absence of the Mufti, the new body would oust them from leadership.

In 1944, however, the effort to establish an Arab Higher Committee was given stimulus when the Arab states, under British incentive, began to form what has now become known as the Arab League. In September of that year, political leaders from the neighboring Arab countries came to Palestine to urge Palestinian Arabs to agree among themselves on the composition of an Arab Higher Committee. These attempts again met with failure, due in every instance to the opposition of the followers of the Mufti who were hopefully awaiting his return from Germany and his resumption of leadership.

A temporary truce was established in 1944 when Musa el Alami, a mild supporter of the Mufti, was recognized by the Arab league as the sole representative of Palestinian Arabs, pending the formation of a Palestine Arab Higher Committee.

A few months after V-E Day, when the Husseini family, to their great astonishment, found that the British were reluctant to try the Mufti as a war criminal, they were emboldened openly to demand the return of the Mufti and his aides to Palestine. In this they were joined by the Arab states and the Arab League.

The League was the culmination of more than four years of effort which had been encouraged by Anthony Eden, then, Foreign Secretary of Great Britain [1]. Sadly, we will see this Jew hatred repeatedly in the Brits. Time and again, they sided with the annihilationists. It is no small wonder their country today is overrun by the very evil they empowered. Karma.

Back to the Mufti's early and pre-eminent role in the Third Reich.

The captured files of the German High Command in Flansburg at the war's end reveal that the Arab [Muslim] riots of 1936 in Palestine [Israel] were carried out by the Mufti with funds supplied by the Nazis. The report states: "only through funds made available by Germany to the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem was it possible to carry out the revolt in Palestine." [source 1 page 5]

Mufti nazis eating
Mufti Amin al-Husseini and friends ( Mile Budak cooling soup)

The Muslim riots of 1936 were merely a continuation of the 1929 riots that led to the massacre of 133 Jews, 239 wounded. It is apparent, early on, that the Grand Muslim Mufti meant to wipe the Jews off the map.

There's much more. Go read the whole thing at Atlas Shrugs.

1 comment:

  1. Turban und Hakenkreuz - Der Großmufti und die Nazis

    About the film:

    The former Mufti of Jerusalem Mohammad Amin al-Husseini - now a controversial figure in the Islamic world - was in the 20s to 40s as a major political and religious authority of the Palestinians. his anti-Semitism in 1937 left him open to collaborating with the Nazis. Thus, al-Husseini, who lived in the early 40s in Berlin, and supported the nazis with his influence he enjoyed as a religious leader of the Arab Muslims, and as their political leaders. The portrait tells a story almost unknown.
    The story of Muhammad Amin al-Husseini, former Mufti of Jerusalem, is closely intertwined with the history of the Third Reich. the hatred of the Jews, united the Arab leaders with the German Nazis and then gave him access to the highest circles. As a volunteer in the Nazi extermination program, he served on the National Socialists.
    In the Arab world during his lifetime he was regarded as a legend. He was revered and admired by his countrymen, despised and attacked by his enemies. For 16 years, al-Husseini, the religious leader of the Arab Muslims for 30 years, their political leaders and also for a long time political representative of the Arab world.
    Persued by the British who succeeded al-Husseini, during the Second World War, the adventurous escape to Germany. From 1941 to 1945 he lived in Berlin and was closely associated with the state. During this time he supported the criminal system and defended it ideologically and politically ruthless. The relationship between the Muft and the Nazis is so striking and frightening and an unknown to this day history of the Third Reich."


    Anyone know German well enough to provide translation and subtitles?
