
Friday, February 19, 2010

I received an email today, supposedly from UPS stating they had a delivery failure with a package I sent in December. It states if I would kindly open the attachment containing the invoice I could retrieve the package at their "department".

Strange, thinks I, since I didn't send a package in December that wasn't delivered. Even stranger since the email came to my blogging email and I never send anything as Midnight Rider.

So I search engined this sucker and found out said attachment contained a virus, more specifically a Trojan.

Which got me to thinking (yeah, hang in their, gang).

Viruses are bad for your health. And your computer's.

So why call them Trojans? In my (seriously) misspent youth we all KNEW that the Trojans that came in the packages were to be used to prevent boys and girls from spreading viruses.

Don't forget to listen to
The Gathering Storm today 3:00 p.m Eastern, 2:00 Central, 1:00 L.A. San Fran, Seattle, 11:00 a.m. Anchorage (that's for my daughters & Mrs. Palin) and whatever time that all equals in Europe and Asia.

I don't think W.C., Always on Watch and I will be discussing Trojans but you never know. Pastorius has told me that Always on Watch can be a wild lady sometimes. . .

(and you will NOT want to miss Az Zaqqum in the second half of the show)


  1. Wild ? Ha!!

    A Tzunami of Lava !!! Napalm bomb !!!

    IDF's Armored division 188 on the move !!!

    Got the picture ?

    I missed her tonight. ( She had fun with Pamela & Robert!...).


  2. Mr. Logan over at Logan's Warning has had some recent troubles with viruses infecting his site. The site was down for a week, and now is back up, but still is apparently having troubles as none of the stories can be opened. Before it went down, he lamented the fact that he just couldn't keep up with the costs associated with fighting the viruses that were being targeted his way. If anyone has any suggestions for him and can figure how to contact him through his site, here's the link.

    But aside from receiving death threats, they're coming at you with anything they can.

  3. My suggestion to him would be that he do his writing on Blogspot.

    We never have trouble with viruses here.
