
Tuesday, February 02, 2010

"I Refuse To Accept My Civil Servants As My Rulers"

From Hillbuzz:

The tagline for it is: “I refuse to accept my civil servants as my rulers”.

There’s definitely something brewing in America today that’s unlike anything we’ve ever seen before, in modern history. There’s a tipping point coming that Democrats don’t see, which will destroy them, but that Republicans, also, aren’t paying attention to. If things continue the way they are going now, the Democrat Party won’t exist anymore in 10 years. The current DNC is destroying itself. The GOP might not exist as we know it, either, if it doesn’t take full advantage of the Democrats’ suicidal meltdown.

We see something like five parties emerging in the next generation: far-Left and far-Right lunatic fringes (communist and religious zealot parties, respectively), and then three parties relatively in the middle, but emphasizing different things: one obsessed with social issues, one focused on economic development and jobs, and one focusing on foreign policy.

In the future, America’s going to be governed by coalition governments, made up of these different parties. We think the ‘Tea Party Movement” is going to form that economic development and jobs middle party above. We have a strong feeling if that happens, that’s where we’ll find ourselves aligned, no question.

1 comment:

  1. ~ probably with artificial intelligence taking on more and more of the complex analysis and translating that into simpler sets of options and recommendations that political humans simply pick and choose from.

    (not interested in debating the merits or pitfalls of this, just stating what will be)
