
Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Italian PM Berlusconi Compares Ahmadinejad to Hitler...

From Weasel Zippers:


Ahmahomo takes this as a compliment...

(Haaretz)- Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi drew a connecting line yesterday between his visit to the Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum in Jerusalem, the Iranian nuclear program, and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's denial of the Holocaust and calls for Israel's destruction.

"We must watch out," the visiting premier said. "We've already had one such madman in history."Berlusconi also said his great dream is for Israel to join the European Union.

Click on the title above to get the whole story at Weasel Zippers.


  1. Pastorius,

    I wonder how many of those radical leftists who compared Bush with Hitler, or didn't see anything one with it, will suddenly have the chutzpa to condemn Berlusconi for comparing someone to that evil man who actually deserves it? It wouldn't surprise me if some of them starting complain that the Italian prime ministers actions are threatening world peace, when its Ahmadinejad who is the real bad guy.

  2. "Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi drew a connecting line yesterday . . ."


    ""We must watch out," the visiting premier said. "We've already had one such madman in history.""

    In that spirit, let's review a little bit of history with a event whose thirty year anniversary was recently overlooked by every msm outlet.

    First, connect another dot. . .

    Ahmadinejad Predicts the 'End of American Civilization' "In Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's most recent televised speech on Iran State TV, the Iranian President upped the ante on his promised February 11 "telling blow against global arrogance" with his prediction of the "end of American civilization." . . . "he referred to in his most recent televised speech in homage to the 'Ten Day Dawn' anniversary of the 1979 Islamic Revolution."

    Comment continued below . . .

  3. Now for the history lesson:

    "On November 20, 1979, worldwide attention was focused on Tehran, where the Iranian hostage crisis was entering its third week. The same morning—the first of a new Muslim century—hundreds of gunmen stunned the world by seizing Islam’s holiest shrine, the Grand Mosque in Mecca. Armed with rifles that they had smuggled inside coffins, these men came from more than a dozen countries, launching the first operation of global jihad in modern times. Led by a Saudi preacher named Juhayman al Uteybi, they believed that the Saudi royal family had become a craven servant of American infidels, and sought a return to the glory of uncompromising Islam. With nearly 100,000 worshippers trapped inside the holy compound, Mecca’s bloody siege lasted two weeks, inflaming Muslim rage against the United States and causing hundreds of deaths.

    Despite U.S. assistance, the Saudi royal family proved haplessly incapable of dislodging the occupier, whose ranks included American converts to Islam. In Iran, Ayatollah Khomeini blamed the Great Satan—the United States —for defiling the shrine, prompting mobs to storm and torch American embassies in Pakistan and Libya. The desperate Saudis finally enlisted the help of French commandos led by tough-as-nails Captain Paul Barril, who prepared the final assault and supplied poison gas that knocked out the insurgents. Though most captured gunmen were quickly beheaded, the Saudi royal family responded to this unprecedented challenge by compromising with the rebels’ supporters among the kingdom’s most senior clerics, helping them nurture and export Juhayman’s violent brand of Islam around the world.

    This dramatic and immensely consequential story was barely covered in the press in the pre-CNN, pre–Al Jazeera days, as Saudi Arabia imposed an information blackout and kept foreign correspondents away. Yaroslav Trofimov now penetrates this veil of silence, interviewing for the first time scores of direct participants in the siege, including former terrorists, and drawing on hundreds of documents that had been declassified on his request. Written with the pacing, detail, and suspense of a real-life thriller, The Siege of Mecca reveals how Saudi reaction to the uprising in Mecca set free the forces that produced the attacks of 9/11, and the harrowing circumstances that surround us today.

    This immensely consequential story was barely covered in the press, as Saudi Arabia imposed an information blackout and kept foreign correspondents away. "

    Details about the above events are published in Yaroslav Trofimov's book "The Siege of Mecca" [google book preview] which reveals ". . .how Saudi reaction to the uprising in Mecca set free the forces that produced the attacks of 9/11 and the harrowing circumstances that surround us today.

    Consider the above when contemplating the current administrations intent for the increased placement of military assets in the muslim ME.

  4. From a book review of Trofimov's book:


    November 20, 1979 on the Islamic Calendar marked the end of the Islamic New Year’s celebration of the faith’s 1400th year.

    In the weeks before this date, Juhayman bin Seif al Uteybi, the movement’s chief leader, former national guardsmen, and architect of the uprising at Mecca’s Grand Mosque, led his men into the main plaza and announce that the long awaited Sunni Mahdi or messiah had returned.

    In the months and weeks leading to the takeover of Islam’s most holy site, Juhayman had been preaching that the return of the Mahdi was near. In fact, the pilgrims at Mecca that particular Hajj had been buzzing with the possibility that at the turn of the Islamic century they might see the Mahdi.

    Juhayman and his compatriots, upon taking over the mosque with thousands of captives on hand, took to the Grand Mosque’s microphone and preached that the arrival of the Mahdi had occurred. A new age had dawned.". . .

    Return of the Mahdi . . .will it be Sunni or Shia? Either way, this is the event at which we find ourselves 'on-the-menu' rather than the guest list.

  5. HurryupHarry adds more details about the book - don't miss the comments.

  6. Very interesting, Anonymous. I have read about the siege of Mecca before. And I understand that it was in some sense the first effort at "global Jihad".

    (Actually, if you think about it, The Grand Mufti al-Husseini's efforts with the Germans porbably ought to be considered the first "global Jihad")

    For some reason, I don't know how it benefits us to concern ourselves with the Siege of Mecca, except insofar as it can be studied by the military to learn how to divide and conquer within the Islamic world.

    To me, the Siege of Mecca is just another Muslim atrocity in a long history of such actions. It is only distinguished by the fact that it's center was Mecca, and by it's "global" aspect.

    Maybe there's more to it that I'm not seeing. Maybe you can enlighten me.

  7. you already answered your question: "except insofar as it can be studied by the military to learn how to divide and conquer within the Islamic world."

    Hugh Fitzgerald has elaborated on this over the years at JW . . .

    "Instead of working to rebuild Afghanistan or any other Muslim polity, we should work to divide and demoralize the forces of the global jihad. We can do this in many ways, among the chief being by pointing out the obvious. For example, we should be pointing out all the ways in which Islam is a vehicle for an Arab supremacist ideology, one which requires non-Arabs to exhibit a kind of historical amnesia about, or indifference to, or contempt for, all that is pre-Islamic about their past.

    By refusing to help -- helping with the Jizyah of foreign aid, helping with all that rebuilding -- Infidels can do more to help themselves. In the end, this will also help the peaceful Muslims around the world. Let them discover, over the next many decades, what has been done to their societies by the inshallah-fatalism of Islam, and by the habit of mental submission that is encouraged by Islam, and by the willingness to endure despotism because in Islam political power cannot be located in the will of mere people, but only in the Will of Allah as codified in the Shari'a or Holy Law of Islam -- which mere mortals, men who count for nothing except to the extent that they submit to the revealed will of Allah, can only hope to approximate.

    Let Muslims themselves begin slowly (as Kemal Ataturk did, and as others have) to understand that all of their political, economic, social, intellectual, and moral failures, of their states, of their societies, whether in Dar al-Islam or Dar al-Harb, are a direct result of various Islamic doctrines and assumptions.

    That cannot be imposed by Infidel armies. That can best occur by the U.S. limiting its contacts with Muslim countries, and not helping them out. It can best be accomplished by forcing them to help each other out, or to dissolve into internecine warfare, Muslim against Muslim.

    Meanwhile, as that spectacle of internecine warfare and endless Muslim cruelty is on display, even those in Western Europe who have lost all sense of themselves, and who have permitted themselves to allow their own worst mental pathologies -- anti-Americanism and antisemitism -- to be exploited cleverly by an army of mujahedin and their ideological collaborators (or simply venal Western hirelings of Muslim states and interests), may come to their senses, and at long last strive to undo and reverse their own intellectual and moral errors, errors that have harmed not only the United States and Israel but above all, themselves. "
