
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

BHO Invited To Islam

(With a hat tip to Logans Warning)

Watch the video:

From Logans Warning:
NY Muslims Travel to White House to Invite Obama to Islam

The Islamic hate-mongers of, have traveled to the White House, and invited Dictator Obama to Islam. At the 1:25 mark we see RevolutionMuslim spokesman Younus Abdullah Muhammad push away an elderly counter protester. He later states that if Obama were to be judged by international law he would be hanged. The rest of the video is an absolute tirade aimed at Obama.
REVOLUTION MUSLIM is pleased to announce our next effort and we ask all to take time out to participate in this noble cause. We have penned a letter to Mr. Barach Obama, Pharoah of the American Empire calling him to Islam and, or to end the Wars and American aggression across the globe. This is in emulation of our noble and beloved Prophet Muhammad (saws), who sent several letters to the leaders of his time calling them to Islam and warning them in the event they did not accept of impending doom.

We ask all to sign it whether you live in the United States and stay tuned for more information about the endeavor as we use it to spread our platform over the coming months inshallah....
Did you notice the upraised index finger in Revolution Muslim's logo? Remind you of BHO's frequent raising of his index finger, a little habit he has when delivering his speeches? Heh.


  1. Gooooooooooooooood mooooorning America !!

    I'm afraid, you will be late to work this time!...

    The train left a while ago, and the next arrival is in doubt because of the train driver's strike!... Union business stuff ! You know...


  2. So, I guess this means they plan to attempt to kill our President, huh?

    I hope the FBI is keeping close tabs on these maniacs.

  3. And this maniac too,

    Robert4 is following me on TypePad !
    Click here:- to see if you are on his list.
    Robert4 ( A.K.A "The Goat Molester" )

    Everyone I follow is a bigot, a racist, and/or objectively pro-terror. They post their filth on Pamela Geller's blog Atlas Shrugs ( Words have meanings, ideas lead to actions. We can avoid evil but we cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding evil. Never forget.
