
Monday, March 29, 2010

FBI Arrests 7 Linked to "Christian Militia Group Hutaree"

The 7 people arrested during joint FBI/DHS raids have been linked to a "Christian militia group" known as Hutaree.

Mar 28, 2010 6:49 pm
US/Eastern FBI Arrests 7 With Ties To Christian Militia

A joint-terrorism task force led by the FBI has arrested at least seven people with ties to the militia group Hutaree in Michigan, Ohio and Indiana, the Detroit News reported Sunday.

The Hutaree describe themselves as Christian soldiers preparing for the arrival and battle with the anti-Christ.

The FBI is believed to have targeted the Hutaree after its members made threats of violence against Islamic organizations. A U.S. official says some of the people arrested in the raids will face gun charges.

The law enforcement official spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the investigation. Federal warrants are sealed.

Michael Lackomar, spokesman for the Southeast Michigan Volunteer Militia, an unrelated organization, says a member of his group was called by members the Hutaree Saturday who claimed their property was being raided. Lackomar says the Michigan militia member is cooperating with the FBI.

Michigan Militia members define themselves as survivalists who favor larger local government and smaller federal government. The group has been recognized recently for helping local officials in Bridgewater Township, Mich. locate missing persons.

The suspects in the Hutaree raid will make an appearance in a U.S. District Court on Monday.

Addendum from AOW: Creeping Sharia has some additional information, including CAIR's reaction.

Also, Hutaree's web site is HERE.


  1. Yep. Seems they took their time releasing the information.

  2. Interesting that the Michigan Militia spokesman has an "Islamic background" according to some articles. 20 dollars says this is a CAIR setup to disarm a group that would readily fight them.

  3. My post and comments of last day anticipated this kind of situation: where is the line between legitimate and non-legitimate defence of person and nation vis a vis the state?

    Maybe the FBI decided to help along our debate with a full-fledged example to discuss.

  4. The "Crusades" image on the masthead of this blog perfectly expresses what you people really are, what you really stand for. The Crusaders were the original terrorists and religious extremists--laying waste to men, women, and children, just as the Old Testament says they should do. None of you can stand up to an educated, American-born Muslim in a toe-to-toe rational debate--you would be obliterated. So instead you dittoheads pat each other on the back and tell each other what you want to hear. Pathetic. By fomenting hatred against us Muslims, you're doing the same thing the Germans did to the Jews in the run-up to the Holocaust. Even the Bosch Fawstin cartoon on your web site says a lot about your murderous intentions, since he draws cartoons that show Muslims being killed. There are many examples: just look at his web site. You are fomenting violence against us. But you will find that we will fight back if you back us into a corner.
    an American Muslim

  5. If one will look at history,the REAL history of Islam,they WILL find that IT ws the reason for the Crusades.Islam started the wars and is still at this very time,doing the same things.

    They raided and ruined and then took the credit for inventions that others had made.The claimed knowledge in areas that others had done the work on.

    If one reads the Koran,it DOES tell those that are Muslim to kill and or enslave those that WILL NOT convert to Islam.This was done how many times before the Crusades were started?

    The Koran says:

    Slay the unbelievers wherever you find them(2:191)

    Make war on the infidels living in your neighboorhood (9:123)

    When opportunity arises, kill the infidels wherever you catch them (9:5)

    The infidels are unclean; do not let them into a mosque (9:28)

    Punish the unbelievers with garments of fire, hooked iron rods, boiling water; melt their skin and bellies

    The unbelievers are stupid; urge the Muslims to fight them (8:65)

    Muslims must not take the infidels as friends (3:28)

    Terrorise and behead those who believe in scriptures other than the Qur’an (8:12)

    Muslims must muster all weapons to terrorise the infidels (8:60)

  6. I suppose it is out of the question for them to raid the many armed Islamic compounds throughout the US?

  7. Ray,
    Law enforcement authorities doesn't show any interest in those compounds as far as we can tell.

    That lack of attention isn't a surprise, though, is it?

  8. American Muslim,
    You got one thing right; the masthead does express who we Infidels are as a people. We will destroy those who keep coming after us.

    And, we will do so in a very violent way, which will be very humiliating for our enemy.

  9. An American Muslim

    On the rare chance an American -one who values freedom- honestly does see their self as a muslim -one who submits-, may I point out that I'd much rather you value freedom more than submission to a murderous pedophille. And please notice, that however much my descriptions may hurt your precious feelings, I have not embarked on ad hominem attacks based on misread history. Islam is my enemy. If you've a shadow of the rationality that you claim, then you'll come around. Now, perhaps you'd like to rationally explain how these statements manifest hatred toward muslims.

    Maccus Germanis

  10. Dag, I've been thinking about the questions posed. Violence, in self defense, is not immoral, but it is galvanizing of the enemy and exposing of the extent of your force. On tactical grounds of force protection, the perhaps naive belief that the enemy looses strength with their abuses, and yet unexhausted Constitutional challenges, I would urge a vigilant peace.

    Maccus Germanis

  11. Proof that you can make the "Word of God" say whatever you want.
    When people dissect the Bible looking for hidden messages they often miss the main message: That Christ wanted us to love our neighbors, and care for the poor.
    If Christians could stick to those themes maybe more people would respect their religion.
    Groups that preach violence as a way of getting what they want are no better than terrorists.

  12. What proof? You do not cite, but do allude to a preponderance of Christian tradition that is pacifist. You will next likely allude to a similar preponderance of pacifism in islam, which does not exist. But you wouldn't know that, having studied neither.

    Maccus Germanis

  13. American Muslim,

    The crusades were WITHOUT ANY HISTORICAL DOUBT a BELATED to response to the raids on many nations, cities, and frank invasions which occurred IN EUROPE from ~680 AD onwards by muslims.

    We don't any of us have to like it. That's just the historical facts as they are.

    Were they bloody?
    Was the invasion of Spain, and Portugal and France?
    Sacking of Rome?
    Yadda, yadda.

    War is bloody.

    Had there been no Andalusia, no Martel, there would have been no Crusade, no Templars, no Hattin, NO CHRISTIAN LEBANON.

    To make any progress, to avoid hate, to find justice we MUST ADMIT TO FACTS.
