
Saturday, March 27, 2010

Germany: Merkel against Erdogan’s initiative of Turkish schools’ net

{{de|Angela Merkel bei der Eröffnung des Paul ...
Some days ago Erdogan stated he wanted Turkish people abroad not to integrate in those countries, but to influence their policies.
German chancellor, Angela Merkel, has showed her opposition to Turkish Preisdent Erdogan's initiative, of creating a Turkish schools' net in Germany with teachings imparted in Turkish language, because that would fuel discrimination.

"The idea that all Turkish schoolchildren should study in Turkish schools is not acceptable", says Merkel in an statement published by German newspaper Passauer Neue Presse, a few days before her visit to Ankara.

German Government's chief considers that the ideal solution is that "children and teenagers of Turkish origins go to German schools" to make it easy their integration in Germany, where more than 2.5 million of Turkish origins live.
via Merkel rechaza crear colegios turcos en Alemania | - Diario digital libre.

Turkish community in Germany is also against Erdogan's proposed measure.

So Erdogan's measure has not been very welcomed, has it? Hope that she is not convinced while in Turkey of the contrary...

Cross-posted from T&P.
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  1. Not long ago, Erdogan threatened to expel 100,000 "I-legal" Armenians from Turkey and I even heard some "Rumors" about Turkey blaming the Armenians for GENOCIDE against the Turks !...

    This guy has three stainless steel COJONES !!!

    How many I-LEGAL Turks ( and other Muslims ) are right now in EU ? How many Churches have been burned down and destroyed in Turkey last month?

    Just don't tell me, "Less then one!"...

    The Seljuks are coming back!
    Women, run for your life and hide!...



  2. Hello Alex:

    I don't know the number in the whole EU, but only in Germany (70 million people approx) there are 5 million Turks, only.

    It is also not the number of churches destroyed, it's also the number of churches not allowed to be built.

    Thanks for commenting.
