
Sunday, March 28, 2010

Standard Progressive Violence and Intimidation

Andrew Breitbart on what happens when nasty Progressives encounter someone they disagree with:

"Andrew Breitbart witnessed first hand today the cunning manipulation and violence of the unhinged left. Harry Reid supporters stood on Highway 95 outside of Searchlight, Nevada and held signs steering tea party protesters heading to the Tea Party Express Showdown in Searchlight Rally in the wrong direction. Andrew also witnessed these violent leftists attacking the Tea Party Express bus with eggs as it drove by. The Harry Reid supporters then swarmed him, harassed him, threatened him and made false statements to the police."

The above describes the standard tactics used by Progressives when a "conservative" attempts to give a speech on a college campus. Apparently, they are planning on using their typical thuggish campus methods to silence anyone, anywhere who doesn't spout the Progressive party line. The Progressives showed up with eggs, they intentionally lied in order to misdirect Tea Party people, they made false statements to the police, and generally engaged in mob behavior. In other words, what they did last summer at congressional town meetings.

Meanwhile, the Progressive MSM smears the Tea Party people as inciting or engaging in violence. The Progressives must be real desperate in order to use such low methods. Oops my bad, Progressives have always used such Alinsky tactics. But, now we are on to them.

Crossposted at The Dougout

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to see that video. And AB will make sure that it gets out there for the rest of the country to see.
