
Thursday, April 01, 2010

ACLU Launches Program Providing Free Lawyers to Every Muslim Questioned by Law Enforcement


Fifth-columnists unite!....

(STLtoday)- Adil Imdad, 41, moved to the United States as a teenager from his native Pakistan in 1981. Five years later, he became an American citizen, and in 1995, he moved to St. Louis to pursue a master's degree in environmental engineering at Washington University.

Imdad loves his adopted country. He also loves Islam, and his story embodies the reason the American Civil Liberties Union of Eastern Missouri is launching the Muslim Rights Project. The program, which ACLU officials say may be its first nationwide, will provide volunteer attorneys for Muslims questioned by law enforcement officers.

...The project, an extension of the ACLU's 5-year-old Muslim Rights Task Force, will provide volunteer attorneys for Muslims questioned by law enforcement officers. Other organizations, such as the Council on American-Islamic Relations and the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, have founded similar programs.


  1. The ACLU should be sued for misrepresentation and religious bigotry then.
    If they are for civil liberties then they should be for everyone's civil liberties, shouldn't they?
    Affirming that every single Mohammedan defendant merits free legal representation while any other type of defendant doesn't?

    I've seen successful lawsuits based on much shakier grounds than those.

    Time to confront them with their own bullshit.

  2. Pastorius,

    Sorry I accidentally left a comment using someone else account.
