
Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Amnesty International Official Says "Defensive Jihad" Doesn't Violate Human Rights

From Weasel Zippers:


( simmering dispute over collaboration between Amnesty International and a former Guantanamo Bay detainee with Taliban sympathies has heated up after a senior Amnesty official argued that “defensive jihad” is not antithetical to human rights.

A trio of South Asian women’s rights campaigners expressed dismay at the prospect that Amnesty International would not unequivocally condemn the “defensive jihad” concept.

“If this is the official position of the world’s leading human rights organization, this would gravely undermine the future of the human rights movement,” said Amrita Chhachhi, Sara Hossain and Sunila Abeysekera in a letter to Amnesty Secretary-General Claudio Cordone.

“It is the argument of ‘defensive jihad’ that the Taliban uses to legitimize its anti-human rights actions such as the beheading of dissidents, including members of minority communities, and the public lashing of women,” they said.


  1. Pastorius,

    Technically we could argue that there is no such thing as "Defensive Jihad," since the goal of Jihad is spread Islam by any means necessary, it is always offensive. Killing people for disagreeing with you, is not part of the right of self defense anyway.

  2. Yep, and additionally, every defensive Jihad step I am aware of has been mounted on flimsy excuses. I know of nowhere, with the possible excpetion of Bosnia, where Muslims were the abused, not the abusers.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Pastorius,

    Yeah, almost always there excuses are pathetic and would never be taken seriously by anyone of any other faith.

    It would be like if a group of Christian fundamentalists claimed that we needed to ban the teaching of evolution because it threatened their faith, and the group started attacking biology teachers, and even murdering a few of them. Then the radical sect claims it was a form of self defense, because what they taught in science class contradicted the Bible. No court in America would consider that as something that fell under the right of self defense, and to claim that it did would be absurd.

  5. That's not all. When Gita Sahgal, the woman in charge of gender equality inside AI, critizised Mr. Cordone, she was suspended and fired.

  6. Claudia AI,

    Amnesty International is turning out to be as big a joke as the UN. How dare they claim to be defenders of human rights while they fire a women for criticizing the Taliban's abusive treatment of women.
