
Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Important Culturist Article on Muslim Integration

Danish Psychologist: ‘Integration of Muslims in Western Societies is Not Possible’

Danish integration problems with Muslims became public worldwide in 2006 when the newspaper Jyllands-Postenpublished 12 cartoons of the prophet Mohammed. Exactly two years later riots broke out again because of the reprint of the Mohammed cartoons by all major Danish newspapers.
Currently 70 percent of the prison population in the Copenhagen youth prison consists of young man of Muslim heritage. Is this recent violence and general violent tendency among Muslims solely coincidental, or is there a direct connection?
In February 2009, Nicolai Sennels, a Danish psychologist published a book entitled Among Criminal Muslims: A Psychologist’s Experience from Copenhagen. In his book, Nicolai Sennels shares a psychological perspective of this Muslim Culture, its relationship to anger, handling emotions and its religion. He based his research on hundreds of hours of therapy with 150 young Muslims in the Copenhagen youth jail. EuropeNews interviewed the author about his book and its consequences on integration of Muslims in Europe.
EuropeNews: Nicolai Sennels, how did you get the idea to write a book about criminal Muslims in Denmark?
Nicolai Sennels: I got the idea in February 2008 during a conference on integration in Copenhagen, where I was invited as the first and only psychologist working in a Copenhagen youth prison. My speech at the conference was about the fact, that foreigners’ culture plays a significant role concerning integration, crime and religious extremism. I emphasized, that people from a Muslim culture find it difficult, if not impossible, to create a successful life in Denmark.
This statement was met with great resistance from Danish politicians and also my own boss from the youth prison. I was quite surprised since I thought that my point is obvious: some cultures fit better into Western societies than others. All of Europe is currently struggling to integrate Muslims but this endeavor seems to be impossible. According to the Danish police and the Danish Bureau of Statistics more than 70 percent of all crimes in the Danish capital are committed by Muslims. Our national bank recently published a report stating that a Muslim foreigner costs more than 2 million Danish kroner (300,000 euros) in federal social assistance on average, caused by the low participation in the work force. On top of this, we have to add many additional types of social welfare that unemployed people can receive in our country: expenses in connection with interpreters, special classes in school – 64 percent of school children with Muslim parentscannot read and write Danish properly after 10 years in a Danish school – social work, extra police etc.

My statement resulted in a legal injunction, a kind of professional punishment, which stated, that if I ever repeat this, I could be fired. According to the Copenhagen authorities it is apparently permitted to state that the serious problems among Muslims are caused by poverty, the media, the police, the Danes, politicians, etc. But two things are definitely not allowed: 1) discussing the significance of culture and 2) our foreigners own responsibility for their integration in our societies. Unfortunately many very powerful politicians lack a clear understanding of the psychological aspect of culture and the influence it has on integration.


  1. Not if they are to pass the test by wahabbi and shia freaks as to what a muslim is.

    That is the schwerpunct of this war.

    Either god is sovereign or the people are.

    The rest is noise.

  2. Epa,

    That is one of the interesting things about this article. He claims that Muslims are largely hostile and anti-social regardless of religious affiliation. It doesn't necessarily have to do with whether God is in the equation or not.

  3. I would think the attitude engendered by fighting in the way of allah, and the resultant feeling of others towards such people is the cause of that.

    Any way we slice it, even if we are to be successful, if a cataclysmic war is not the route to that point, we r prb looking @ 100's of years.

    From Luther to the end of religious wars in europe ... what ~1520-1650 right?

  4. Culturist John,

    This story is pretty important. People have to among other things being willing to accept the fact that problems with some groups of people my have nothing to do with poverty or racism, and if people will not accept such concepts as freedom of religion and the right to change your religion, I don't want them living in my country or the west.

  5. Damien,

    I agree. It plainly states that we need to stop immigration until we see whether or not this faith in assimilation has merit. To do otherwise is to play with some pretty dangerous fire!


  6. Damien,

    I agree. It plainly states that we need to stop immigration until we see whether or not this faith in assimilation has merit. To do otherwise is to play with some pretty dangerous fire!


  7. As for Muslim immigration, I would like you to think of the last lot that came to Europe from the Punjab region and what they have turned out to be and the effect they have had in the countries in which they have settled. Criminals, welfare leeches, prolific breeders, mostly uneducated, practicing child marriage. I am talking about the few hundred Gypsies who came to Europe 500 years ago.
