
Thursday, April 01, 2010

Muslim IQ

By Bernie at Planck's Constant:

candle snuffer

In the book IQ and the Wealth of Nations by Richard Lynn and Tatu Vanhanen we come across the following statistics regarding the IQ of Muslims in the following countries:


The Netherlands actually had two studies: Moroccan immigrants averaged 84/85. Turks in the Netherlands scored 88/85.

The Muslims in Turkey, Egypt and Iran are Turkish, Arab and Persian, respectively, so despite different ethnicities and cultures they all score dismally poor. Their common denominator? Their religion.

I know you may object, Ahmed, that these are all Muslims from backward countries and that's why their scores are so abysmally low. However, Muslims brought up in modern, civilized countries don't do any better as the Netherlands' scores show, most likely because Muslims in Europe tend to stay true to their Muslim upbringing which encourages reading the worthless Quran and disparages reading anything else. Old Muslim saying about books: "If it's in the Quran, it's redundant; if it's not in the Quran, it's not necessary."

The Infidel Blogger's Alliance blog notes that the stupidest people on Earth come from Islamic countries, just check out the map.

Some of my readers may mistakenly think this is just Muslim-bashing; after all, who cares if Muslims have low IQ? How does that hurt anyone? The truth is: Muslim violence against infidels and even against other Muslims is precisely due to two things: Muslim's low IQ and their religion. Christians, Buddhists, and followers of the Dalai Lama who might have low IQs do not go out and behead, torture, hang, or burn those with whom they disagree. Perhaps in the ancient past, but in modern times these religions have taken to the peaceful way of life. Not so with Islam.

Certainly one can find a handful of Christian extremists every few years who actually kill or harm someone, but these are rare compared to the hundreds of Muslim atrocities registered every single month at the Religion of Peace.

The Quran in the hands of idiots, morons and imbeciles is just like explosives in the hands of deranged monkeys. Because of its violence, intolerance, savagery and brutality, the Quran should not be read by those with limited intelligence. As Steve Sailer points out, much of France's problems with Muslim rioters is because they are so stupid:

Vdare Blog, France In Flames: Immigration, Not “Discrimination”, Is The Problem

The brutal fact is that the economic failings of France's Muslim and African immigrants stem in large measure from their low average IQ.

I personally do not believe that any one race of people has a natural advantage intellectually against any other race. I have frequently pointed out that Jews, despite their paucity in population numbers, have won hundreds of times more Nobel Prizes than Muslims [see article]; but not because Jews are smarter simply because of race, but because of upbringing.

If Jews were smarter simply because of race, then where are all the Jews who were subsumed under Islam during centuries of forced conversions? How come there aren't hundreds of Muslim prize winners today who have Jewish blood? No, it isn't race that makes Jews smart and it isn't race that makes Arabs stupid. Once Jewish converts became immersed in Islam their love of learning died.

Go read the whole thing.


  1., ani shevim veh shmoneh

  2. And ani so smart I can't even count that high off the ground or something. Schmonie, schmonie; schmonie, schmonie.

  3. Successive generations of cousin marriage may also be to blame:

  4. The last line from that article is a real laugh-out-loud howler:

    "If Muslim Arabs would only abandon Islam or take up Jewish habits, they too could be a light unto the nations."

    No they couldn't because Arab IQ, no matter what country they're born and raised in, averages between 80-90, fully 25-30 points lower than that of Ashkenazi Jews. And IQ is predominantly determined by genetics, i.e. it's inherited.

    In Israel, Ashkenazi (European Jewish) IQ has also been estimated to be about 17 points higher on average than Sephardic (Middle Eastern Jewish). Ashkenazi Jews have a very different genetic history than Sephardics, as documented by Jon Entine in his book "Abraham's Children". Quoting from memory, Entine showed that Ashkenazis paternal line was about 80% Middle Eastern and 20% European, while their maternal line was about 60% European and 40% Middle Eastern. Sephardics are overwhelmingly Middle Eastern on both lines.

    Here's an interesting article by Charles Murray about the evolution of Ashkenazi intelligence.

  5. Pastorius, thanks for the link.

    Jeppo, if having more European line of descent explains the higher IQ in Ashkenazi Jews then simply being 100% European should result in even a higher IQ, no? But Jews on average score higher IQ than Europeans.

    One can make the case that wealth influences IQ. Ashkenazi Jews are generally wealthier than Jews from the Middle East or from the Maghreb. I have no doubt that if we put Ashkenazi Jews into Iran or Pakistan, in a few generations their descendants would become more stupid - smarter than the Muslims around them, but still a few points shaven off their IQ.

    Nothing to do with heredity: being a genius and living under Islamic rule is like putting Einstein in a permanent strait-jacket.
